King's Business - 1966-07

CovenantRetirement Centers are more thansuperb retirement com­ munities. They are a way of life. They offercustom-designed retire­ ment plans tofit individual needs featuring beautifully appointed suites and semi-suites. They provide complete active retirement service with companionship, recre­ ation, security and independence withina Christian environment. Covenant Village NORTHBROOK % Mr. Harvey E. Anderson 2745 Techny Road •Northbrook,Illinois Covenant Palms M IAM I % Mr. Victor Person 8400 N.W. 25th Avenue »Miami, Florida Mount Miguel Covenant Village SAN DIEGO y° Rev. G. Marian Enns 325 Kempton Street»SpringValley,California Hearthstone Manor FOLSOM % Mr. L. Dow Coffman 6700 Oak Avenue »Folsom, California Mountain View Covenant Center DENVER PROPOSED

A friend asks why, if —you express your pa­ triotism and love of thi s country, —you object to obscene literature and wan t it re­ moved from the shelves, —you believe all Commu­ nists should be jailed or run out o f the country, —you think that govern­ ment is killing the incentive o f thousands, and perhaps millions, by fulfilling their needs without requiring them to work for it, —you believe in God and prayer, —you be l ieve that the rights of the individual are superior to the rights of gov­ ernment, —you believe that this gov­ ernment should give first con­ sideration to this country and its people, —you believe that it is im­ possible to coexist with com­ munism, —you are appalled at the rise in crime and immorality, —you believe in constitu­ tional government, —you believe that the war in Viet Nam must be won if we are to ever win another, —you salute when the flag passes by, —you stand at attention when “ The Star Spangled Banner” is played or sung, —you believe this country should be run by Congress and not by the Supreme Court. Why is it that if you believe these things you are consid­ ered a radical or a ‘kook’ to­ day? —Ormund Powers.


Applications areavailable topersons ofvarying economic levels. Informa­ tion is available by writing the center of your choice. BIOLA BIBLE CONFERENCES Aug. 7-13 Mount Hermon, Calif. Drs. Charles L. Feinberg and John Hunter Aug. 21-28 Firs, Bellingham, Wash. Drs. Charles L. Feinberg and John Hunter W rite fo r descriptive brochure to Conference Department 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, Calif. 90638 WheatonAnuities- SINGE 1898 p r o v id e a s s u r e d LIFETIME INCOME WORRY FREE . and never missed a single paymentI Wheaton Annuities—the better way for older people to invest funds “For Christ I and His Kingdom.” Benefits for you . . . a guaranteed, generous lifetime income —largely tax free, and relieved of the worries of market fluctuations. Oppor- 1 tunities for young people . . . help in a

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JULY, 1966

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