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• • make you and us safe on these books. Books and pamphlets by Dr. John R. Rice have reached the enormous circulation of 25 million copies. They have been so widespread, so used, so amazingly popular, that his biographer calls him “ the Twentieth Century’s Mightiest Pen.” Over 12,000 letters have come from those who trusted Christ through Sword literature.

"The Patriot's P raye r"

I THANK THEE, LORD, for such a land, With rivers fair and forests tall; For fertile plain and desert sand; For mountain height, and waterfall. I THANK THEE, LORD, for guiding men, Who met to mold a nation free; For Heaven's hand upon the pen, That drew the plan for liberty. I PRAISE THEE, LORD, for plenteous years, For ripened fruit and golden grain; Thy blessing surely here appears; In gifts of sunshine and of rain. I PRAISE THEE, LORD, Yes, most of all, For churches spread through­ out the land, Where sinners hear the Sav­ iour's call, And never feel the tyrant's hand. I PRAY THEE, LORD, restore the love, That once burned in our na­ tion's breast, For the old Book that's from above, Which keeps a nation clean and blest. I PRAY THEE, LORD, Oh, hear my prayer! In this our nation's gravest day, Awaken people everywhere! And let them know it's time to pray. — Roger F. Campbell

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is counsel from forty years’ ministry. As college teacher, as pastor, evangelist, radio pastor and editor. Dr. Rice has counseled with thousands of Christians. For years he has been “ pastor” to some 20,000 ministers who read The Sword of the Lord and who depend upon his Bible exposition, his spiritual wisdom. H e has written comments on every principal verse in the Bible. Questions carefully indexed; index of Scriptures also. More doctrines taught here than in a course

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