Mrs. McGuffy— A FAITHFUL Mother Hen
Land of Promise Heavens Declare Broken Fragments George Muller Story Crisis in Morality India's Sorrow Siam
I Saw Petra Land Time Forgot Missing Missionaries My Life to Live Africa Awakes Red Terror in Malaya Teen to Teen
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T O M L IV E D ON A FA RM . He had • many pets. Do you know which his favorite was ? A big white hen named Mrs. McGuffy! Mrs. McGuffy was the friend liest hen you could imagine! She followed Tom all over the farm yard. When spring came, not only did Mrs. McGuffy follow Tom, but so did her twelve fluffy new chicks! Mrs. McGuffy was a wonderful mother. She was very careful with her new family. Whenever there was danger — an animal that might hurt her babies or a rainstorm that might get them wet and cold' — she would cluck loudly, and her twelve little ones would come tumbling from every direction. Then she would lead them to a sheltered place, next to the barn or under a bush, and she would fluff out her feathers, and all her chicks would snuggle under her wings to be safe. But one night on Tom’s farm there was a terrible fire! He awoke the next morning and from his window could see that the barn was just a heap of smoking ruins! Immediately he thought of Mrs. McGuffy! Where was she? That barn had been her home! He dressed hurriedly and ran out as fast as he could. As he came near the barn, he sighed a big sigh of relief: there was Mrs. McGuffy, lying down, feathers all fluffed out, just the way she always sat when she was protecting her chicks! But when he came up to her
and touched her to pet her, a strange t h i ng happened: her body fell r i gh t ove r on the ground. She was dead. The smoke and the heat from the fire had killed her. But guess what happened when Mrs. McGuffy fell to the ground! Out from under her wings came her twelve little chicks! There they were, every one of them safe, because Mrs. McGuffy had chosen to save them rather than save herself. She could have run far from the fire and not been hurt at all. But instead she cared for her babies, and kept them safe from the smoke and heat, even though it meant losing her own life. MONEY TALKS A Silver Dollar to a Penny once said, “What a poor little thing you are. Just look at me; see how big I am. You won’t go very far.” “Oh, yes,” said the Penny, “ you’re very, very big, But I’m better than you, I know. I go to church and Sunday-school, Where you very seldom go. It’s not how little or big you are. What matters is what you do.” And what the Penny to the Dollar said, Of folks is just as true. When Tom came running home and told his mother what had happened, her first words were, “ You know, Tommy, that makes me think of what the Lord Jesus has done for us. He could have gone off and kept Himself safe
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JULY, 1966
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