from death on the cross, but in stead He thought o f us. So He suffered for our sins that we would not have to suffer for them.” There were tears in Tom’s eyes. “ I understand better now what Jesus did for me than I ever have before,” he said. “Why don’t you thank Him now, Tommy,” his mother said, “ for dying for you, and ask Him to forgive your sins and be your own Saviour?” Tom nodded, and together they bowed their heads in prayer. “ Dear Lord,” said Tom, “ I know I’ve done bad things, but I sure thank You for dying to pay for them. Please forgive me and be my Jesus.” A CHILD'S PRAYER Little hands I bring, O Father, Teach them loving things to do. Eyes for seeing, ears for hearing, Feet for loving service, too. All I am, dear Father, take, Make me Thine, for Jesus' sake, Amen. — Selected Many years later, when Tom had grown to be a man, people would ask him, “When did you be come a Christian ?” “ The day that Mrs. McGuffy gave her life for her chicks,” he would say. Then he would tell them the story. Have you ever prayed a prayer like Tom’s, asking the Lord Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Saviour? Jesus loves you so much that He died to keep you safe from the awful punishment of your sins. But just as the chicks were safe only as they came to Mrs. McGuffy, so you can be safe only if you come to Jesus. There is no safety for those who do not come to Him. Tell Him of your sin. Ask Him to save you. “ Him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out” (John 6:37). ‘The Son of God . . . loved me, and gave Himself for me” (Gala tians 2:20). Reprinted by permission of the Canadian Sunday School Mission, Winnipeg, Mani toba, Canada.
EDUCATION FOR A CAREER IN NURSING Because BIOLA COLLEGE is convinced that there is need for more qualified Christian professional nurses, Biola is continuing to develop its pro gram in general college edu cation and nursing. This pro gram is five years in length. It will give ample opportunity for a thorough Christian edu cation, and at the same time offer a sound professional and academic education. The in struction will center in the College as well as our extend ed campus in State, County and Private hospitals. High School students con sidering careers in Nursing should be informed on the broad variety of programs in Nursing Education. BIOLA’S program is the basic or Gen eric BACCALAUREATE PROGRAM IN NURSING. It is open to High School gradu ates who meet the College en trance requirements. This is a new program in BIOLA. It is to be implement ed in September of 1966. Biola’s program has been ac cepted by the Board o f Nurs ing Education and Nurse Reg istration of the State of Cali fornia. WRITE TODAY: Department of Nursing BIOLA COLLEGE 13800 Biola Avenue La Mirada, Calif., 90638 O Please send me a catalog □ Please send me application forms. I would like to enroll for 19 ____ _ Name .............................. Age ____ Address ............................................ City/State/Zip Code ......................
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