King's Business - 1966-07

DO YOU HAVE $ 300 , $ 500 , $ 1000 , or more to invest?

ing up in a sexually oriented culture unmatched anywhere else in the world. Sex shrieks at us from billboards. Sex sells soap, tooth­ paste, deodorants, beer, and electric appliances. Cigarette ads picture teenagers in the grass. 'Cool5 is the caption, but it’s not coolness that the illustration suggests.” In Pennsylvania, a high school principal, tired o f the endless flaunting o f sex, exposing the flesh to entice others, dismissed sev­ eral girls for a brief period since they had persisted in coming to school with hemlines far above the knee. Indignant parents gath­ ered together to take a vote on the action. Seven hundred people attended. (Just try to get that many out to stand for something really important.) More than 650 o f them rose to their feet in protest o f the principal’s action. "W hy bother,” is the feeling o f most educators who throw up their hands in disgust. A recent national news magazine carried an article o f para­ doxical meaning, "Advance Through Obscenity.” (What a ridic­ ulous and ludicrous thought.) The basis o f the feature was the comment that, in the eyes o f the writer, in perhaps five, but not more than ten, years censorship o f every type, not just in books, TV , and movies, would be a thing o f the past. The Supreme Court o f our land has been o f little help in upholding the true standards o f morality and decency. When will America wake up? When will Christians take an active stand? When will this nation return to her knees? What will it take, complete moral, spiritual, and political bankruptcy and upheaval? Ten years ago, if anyone had said, "America stands facing a great and grave disaster,” we would have said, "Y ou ’re nothing but a crepe hanger.” Yet, today, our leaders know the facts, many o f which are obvious to those o f us who only see what is released in the newspapers. Woodrow Wilson once said, " I would a great deal rather lose in a cause I know will someday triumph, than to triumph in a cause I know will someday lose.” He was right. Too many o f us are afraid to let our voices be heard. We may feel that they will do little good, or we may be embarrassed to let others know where we stand. Either excuse is poor reasoning. We are so intent upon saving our own skins that we allow others to lose their own souls. Conscience is constantly being hardened so that today nothing shocks us anymore. Scripture warns us constantly, and yet, too frequently, we turn a deaf ear. Before we can change this na­ tion’s course from corruption we must change the lives o f in­ dividuals through the positive witness o f our Lord Jesus Christ. It is as clearly given to us, as in the long ago to the children o f Israel, " I f my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn, from their wicked ways then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” Christians, let us not be a part o f the revolution which is gripping the land today. May we fo l­ low the Bible’s exhortation not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing o f our minds, that we may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will o f God.

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r W RITE: Annuity Deportment

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M O O D Y B IB L E IN S T IT U T E 820 N . LaSalle Street • Chicago, Illinois 60610 Please send me, without obligation: Q Dou­ ble Dividends, story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Folder relating to Wills. □ Information on Life Income Agreements.

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C L I P A N D M A I L C O U P O N T O D A Y ! j


JULY, 1966

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