King's Business - 1966-07

SCRIPTURE PRESS PUBLICATIONS, INC. Dept. KBP-76 Wheaton, Illinois 60187 Please send me the following: □ FREE samples of the new YOUNG TEEN POWER. □ FREE samples of all 6 POWER lin e papers. _________ sets of the new YOUNG TEEN POWER @ 350 per set for the October-December quarter. Name-------- Address-

Now for the first time a POWER line PAPER FOR JUNIOR HIGHS

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Yo«mgTe» of the Week -•*pqj*7_

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FOR AGES 12 - 14

Many teachers and pastors have asked for it— now here it is: a POWER line paper with the distinctive true-life flavor tuned to the special needs and interests of junior highs! Young Teen P ow e r recognizes the difficulties our young people face in these bewildering years. By means of top- notch writing and reporting— not “preachment”— the fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is the proved Answer to their problems is brought vividly to their attention. Here’s what they will find each week in their very own paper:

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Exclusive counsel columns — Be tty and Bob, and Straight Talk. • Stimulating short stories, puzzles, and helpful com­ ments from Young-Teen readers.

• Absorbing true stories of out­ standing youth and other in­ teresting Christians. • Thought-provoking Christ- centered fiction on junior- high problems.

Now.. . a Christ-centered take-home papet for every member of your family!

1. ADULTS Power for Living. 4. The original real-life paper! For all adults! 2. SEN IO R H IGH S Power L i f e (fo rm e rly Teen Power). In s p ir e s fu ll commitment! 3. JUN IOR H IGH S Young Teen P ower-new . Exclu- sively for junior highs!

JUN IORS (9-11) Coun- se/or.True stories and challenging fiction! 5. P R IM A R IE S (6-8) P r i ­ m a r y Days. Starts Pri­ maries on their own in Bible reading! 6 . BEG INNERS B ib l e t i m e f o r 4 s a n d 5s. H e lp s make the Lord real to Beginners!

• Real-life cartoon stories with challenging messages.

SCRIPTURE PRESS Scripture Press Publications, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60187

Each only 350 per quarter per pupil. Use the coupon for FREE samples or see your Christian Bookstore.


JULY, 1966

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