King's Business - 1966-07

S u n d a y S c h o o l Li te ra tu re G L O B A L A D V A N C E in K O R E A !

the message

. . . a talented performer, experi­ enced in dramatics, as a composer, pianist-vocalist, and as a recording artist. Joyce Landorf also finds com­ plete satisfaction in her role as an enterprising housekeeper, mother, and wife of a successful business­ man.

Rev. Sung Jin Ahn, Director of the Christian Children's Center, Seoul, Korea, and his staff are busy adapting, translating, and distributing Scripture Press les­ sons in Korean. Teachers’ and pupils’ manuals for Primaries and Ju n iors w ere first p u b ­ lished last December. Mr. Ahn writes, "We thank the Lord that these lessons have been w e lcom e d with much

NO GREATER LOVE “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoso­ ever believeth in him. should not perish, but have everlasting life ” (John 3:16). Because God Himself is unfathom­ able in His being, wisdom, power, holi­ ness, justice, goodness, and truth, the Bible has its unfathomable texts. This simple gospel message is one of them. I. THE MYSTERY OF GOD’S LOVE—“ God so loved the world.” 1. We accept this as fact, but no other religion besides Chris­ tianity teaches it. 2. The Jews of Jesus’ time be­ lieved that God loved them but hated the Gentiles, thus mis­ understanding the Old Testa­ ment. 3. God’s love is still a mystery. We find it very hard to love the world, even in our own neigh­ borhood. II. THE EVIDENCE OF GOD’S LOVE—“ He gave His only begot­ ten Son.” 1. All the Bible writers point to this evidence. 2. The death of Christ was an act of God’s love. How may I appear before God? Justice, law, and conscience all tell me I can­ not. The gospel says that Christ is the propitiation for my sins. III. OUR RESPONSE TO GOD’S LOVE—“ That whosoever believ­ eth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” 1. We are reminded that not everyone has eternal life. They are condemned who love dark­ ness rather than light. 2. We shall respond with either cold rejection or acclaim. 3. The belief of which Jesus speaks is coupled with repen­ tance and proves to be a con­ stant and abiding faith. THE INCOMPARABLE INVITATION “ Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28). I. The Invitation —“ Come unto me.” 1. The Speaker’s person. 2. The Speaker’s power. 3. The Speaker’s propitiation. II. The Invited — “ All ye that labor and are heavy laden.” 1. Vain labor. 2. Vexed spirits. III. The Incentive — “ I will give you rest.”

Rev. Ahn

enthusiasm in Sunday Schools all across Korea. These materials are meeting a real need. But more funds are needed to continue publishing manuals for the coming quarters." Scripture Press Foundation invites you to pray for this significant work. Find out how you can share in this worthy missionary project. Write to Evangelical Literature O verseas, Korean Sunday School Literature Department, Box 725, Wheaton, Illinois 60187

/sèri Scripture Press products are available in these' 26 languages for more than 80 foreign-speaking countries: Spanish Japanese German Chinese French Vietnamese Norwegian Papiamento Swedish -. . . Portuguese 5 “ *?1 Korean Thai Italian* Arabic Indonesian* Hindi* •Currently in preparation Shona (Rhodesia) Yoruba (Nigeria) Hausa (Nigeria) Kituba (Congo) Oriya (India) Gujarati (India) Malayalam (India)* Tagalog (Philippines)* Cebuano (Philippines)* For further information write Dr. Roy B. Zuck, SCRIPTURE PRESS FOUNDATION Box 513, Glen Ellyn, Illinois 60137. 1 RUSHING TO RUSSIANS 1 g with the Gospel for over 82 years. Your 1 help is needed to support more Rus­ sian and other missionaries in Europe, Alaska, and South and North America. Write for FREE Slavic news magazine —reports. | SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION Peter Deyneka. General Director | Dept. K , 2434 N. Ksdzis Blvd., Chicago, III. 60647 THE KING’S BUSINESS a perfect gift for friends

You'll enjoy sharing a few moments daily with Joyce as she opens her notebook to . . . Household tips . . . Favorite Recipes . . . Children . . . Inspirational verse . . . and, of course, MUSIC. LISTEN TO "HERE'S JOYCE" Monday through Fridays Los Angeles 10:30 AM KBBI 107.5 San Diego 10:15 AM KBBW 102.9 Sponsored by participating Southern California Maytag dealers W monthly copy of 3 Joyce's Notebook Mail Coupon S HERE'S JOYCE 558 S. Hope St. ■ " Los Angeles, California 90017 ■ ■ ■j Name ............................................................... ■ m Address ...........................................................


Deluxe Arrangements with DR. W IL LIA M W A RD AYER of Marching Truth Broadcast

Dr. Ayer offers over 40 years of Bible Prophetic study. A first hand interpretation of the Great Prophecies of God are to be featured on this historical tour with won- drous blessing. OCTOBER 10, 1966 — THREE FULL WEEKS $1055 from New Year All Expense Tour “ A comprehensive study in Biblical Prophecy?’ Write: CLIFF GOTAAS TRAVEL Dept. KB-E7

1. For the earth-life. 2. For the end of life. 3. For eternity.

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JULY, 1966


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