American Consequences - October 2020


If Marcuse was the Jesus of the New Left, then Alinsky was his Saint Paul, proselytizing and dumbing down Marcuse’s message, making it practical, and convincing leaders to make it the official religion of the United States, even if that meant discarding the old secular religion of the United States, the Constitution... Rules for Radicals might just as well be entitled ‘How to Take Over America from the Inside.’ And now no one who’s awake and breathing has an excuse. After three months of rioting, billions of dollars of looting and arson, the armed wing of the New Left is no longer filled with “community organizers.” With more than 700 police officers injured and 30 Americans murdered in the name of “intersectional justice,” including a 77-year- old Black retired police captain, we are without a doubt facing a proto-insurgency. If this sounds hyperbolic, run this scenario in your mind... For the first time in our Republic’s history, 80 million mail-in ballots are being sent out for the November 3rd election, without voters requesting them, simply because Democrat governors have decreed so. Given that it recently took six weeks for a New York primary to count their mail-in ballots and 84,000 were summarily rejected, it’s clear that unless there is a landslide for the president, we will face weeks (if not months) of delays in counting and verifying the millions of ballots. And if the election result is not confirmed by the date of the January inauguration, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will become acting president of the United States. What do you

Insurgents win when a majority of the population sides with them (out of fear or admiration), the government is incapable of fighting them, or simply lacks the will to win. Horkheimer then recruited Herbert Marcuse, who also was committed to the belief that all of our civilization’s legacy institutions had to be repeatedly attacked until their collapse, starting with the family unit and ending with the nation state itself. It is no accident that BLM’s official manifesto directly targets the traditional Western family. Breitbart would later describe Marcuse’s mission as “to dismantle American society by using diversity and ‘multiculturalism’ as crowbars with which to pry the structure apart, piece by piece.” Pitching genders against one another, setting Black against White, the LGBTQ+ community against the “cisgendered.” Sound familiar yet? And then came Saul Alinsky, Hillary Clinton’s mentor and inspiration to Obama, who would operationalize it all. In his book, Breitbart says, status quo must be relentlessly challenged on all fronts since power is in the hands of those who do not deserve it and who represent a legacy of oppression and colonization. All standing relationships and all dominant concepts must be criticized and dismantled, even language itself, until modern society lies deconstructed and incapable of defending itself from being rebuilt along Marxist lines.


October 2020

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