American Consequences - October 2020

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Should you vote? If you feel that you’re well- informed about the issues, the candidates, and their characters, by all means vote. But... If you get all your news from comedians on late-night television shows, please don’t vote. Washington is funny enough already. If you consider yourself to be part of the “Antifa” movement, you already know that the U.S. government is a corrupt, bigoted, hate-filled fascist regime controlled by hetero- normative white male capitalist pigs. You certainly don’t want to put your stamp of approval on this kind of oppression by doing something like voting. (Just trying to keep you true to yourself here, dude.) If you consider yourself to be a part of the “alt-right” movement, you already know that your vote won’t be counted because voting has been rigged by an unholy alliance of the TriLateral Commission, Hillary Clinton, the UN, and the Bavarian Illuminati. So don’t let George Soros trick you into using the ballot box. And if you just don’t give a damn what happens on Election Day... please show it by not showing up. And if you just don’t give a damn what happens on Election Day... please show it by not showing up.


American Consequences


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