still be of good cheer because the Lord has overcome the world. We can find the peace which is His gift through faith in His redeeming love and sal vation. In your weakness ask the Lord, through His Holy Spirit to make you strong. In loneliness, frustration, or whatever may be your lot, bring all of these things to the Saviour. Share with Him your desperations as well as your delights. Does your home appear as if Jesus Christ were living there with you? The Saviour desires for us to have the joy of understanding the real values of life. Knowing true forgive ness, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we seek to be more like Him. Do you have the peace of forgiveness, the peace between one another, as well as God’s peace within ? How thankful we can be that the Lord has made life so rich and full. While there are obstacles and diffi culties, yet the Lord is always with us. Let us ask of Him for that prom ised abundant wisdom for all of the trials and tribulations of our daily existence, knowing that Christ is all- sufficient to meet every need. Draw on His available, adequate resources today, and each day, until He calls us to be with Himself in glory. Unique among Biola's five educational institutions is the Biola School of Missionary Medicine, Miss Leonie V. Soubirou, dean. Several of the recent students attending the one year post graduate course look over the globe, pointing out areas where they plan service for Christ.
tion or some type of activity. If we as fathers and mothers don’t take time to enjoy these young lives, not only in the common pursuits of life, but also in fun, we will have done them, as well as ourselves, a great dis service. Too many families are heading in too many different directions today. The home is supposed to be a fore taste of heaven. Don’t make the mis take of thinking that a home can be called a Christian home simply be cause one or more members go to church or are religious. Let me state it simply but straightforwardly: a home is only a Christian home, no matter if the father is a minister or a Christian worker, when the Lord Jesus Christ is given the preeminence, His rightful place, in every life and in all things. In thinking about these truths we can see the all-pervading issue of divine love having the paramount po sition. It is not difficult for people to maintain a file of statistics on their partner’s errors. To be kind, loving, patient and considerate, however, is something e n tir e ly different. We ought to read I Corinthians 13 as often as possible, each time asking the Holy Spirit to give us real wisdom so that a new truth will be unveiled be fore our eyes. In marriage counselling it has been amazing to me to find wives who can compile a list of all their husband’s faults but not have the slightest idea or comprehension of their own limita tions. Now, make no mistake, the same is true of the men as well. Then we can readily find children who don’t love their parents and parents (which is worse) who don’t love their chil dren. If we want to learn to love let us look to the Lord Jesus Christ. He loved us with an eternal love. His store or supply of grace is never ex hausted, nor can it ever be. We should cultivate a sense of thankfulness to the Lord for all of His grace and goodness. Obviously we don’t live in a perfect world. There are the believer’s promised trials and tribulations. Yet, we can
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