Biola Broadcaster - 1966-06

want to receive you here and now into my heart. Thank you for dying for me.” We both knew that this is the way we receive eternal life. We come with all our need and all our inability, totally unable to meet the situation. The Saviour is all sufficient. I said to my friend, “Can you prove that your sins are forgiven ? Have you any document pinned up in your room that legally signifies the fact?” While no proof is given that our sins are for­ given, we can be absolutely certain by the witness within. We know the truth simply by faith. Having this definiteness of heart I pointed out to him, “One of the pre­ requisites of success in the Christian life is to realize that one is unpre­ pared. The basis of victory is to un­ derstand that when one comes to the cross, he is totally unable and unpre­ pared for any action. This, however, was the signal for Christ’s redemp­ tive power and matchless ability. The Bible then tells us to walk forward in Him. That means to take one step at a time. There are many people, young and old alike, who want to walk a year, or even a month, at a time. The glory of the Christian faith is to walk moment by moment with Him. Here­ by we find that Jesus Christ is always sufficient for every situation. Each of us needs to come to the Saviour and say, “Dear Lord, I can’t handle this situation. But thank You, I don’t have to. You are within my heart and can be my life. So, I bring my problem and anxiety to you and say, Thank you!” This young man’s soul was refreshed and strengthened. When we parted at the end of the week, he gave me a smile and said, “I have a sufficiency which is in Christ.” Now in the ministry he is doubtless meeting all kinds of prob­ lems. But he isn’t unprepared for he has a sufficiency which is in Christ. Have you? Are you trying to make the best of a bad job? Why not real­ ize that being a Christian is, “As ye have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk.” Let us realize anew that Jesus Christ is sufficient for our every need—today!

We die by living to ourselves while we can live by dying to ourselves. * * * ENOUGH HEAT Do you know that interesting portion o f Scripture from M alachi where it graphically tells us that God sits as a refiner and purifier o f silver? A Sunday school teacher had this as a p a rt o f her lesson and wanted to find out i f this is what a silversm ith actually does while in the process o f removing the dross from the metal. She located an establish­ ment where they did this and inquired o f the tradesman i f it w ere true that, dur­ ing the refining process, he would always sit. He assured her that this was exactly what ha/ppened fo r it was necessary to check that the m etal was brought exact­ ly to the right temperature. He pointed out, “I m ight ruin an entire caldron by either subjecting it to too much heat or else not enough. So, I sit right here throughout the entire process.” N atural­ ly, she was happy w ith the answer. Thanking him the woman started to leave only to be called back, as the man asked, “Would you like to know how I can tell when there’s been ju st enough heat and the m etal is ju st right?” Of course she was vitally interested, espe­ cially w ith the added explanation, “I know it’s ju st right, w ith the dross re­ moved, when I can see my fa c e clearly reflected in the molten substance.” During the difficult times o f life, when you are subjected to trials and testings, be assured that, according to God’s Word, He is going to m ake a way o f escape that you may be able to bear it. The L ord knows exactly how much we can take. T here may be some dross o f self or o f this world that needs to be removed from our lives. In any case, when H is im age is reflected in us, every­ thing above that we are able, or that is necessary fo r our purification. Commit your testings to Him, confident that He doeth all things w ell; He knows the end from the beginning. “That the trial o f your fa ith , being much more precious than gold that perisheth, though it be tried w ith fire, m ight be found unto praise and honor and glory a t the ap­ pearing o f Jesu s Christ.” While the price of wheat rises and falls, the price for wild oats remains the same. * * * The best way for Christians to grow is to eat of the Bread of Life. 21 * * *

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