Q . Portland, Ore. — “Will you please explain John H :12 . In our neighbor hood Bible class someone asked about the works we can do ‘greater than Jesu s did.’ What does this mean?” A. Many have stumbled over the word “greater” which means more exten sive and over a wider area. Who could do more than the Saviour when He healed the sick and raised the dead? There is a great theological truth here, too, for after our Lord died and rose again He entrusted to us a min istry of a different type, which is the gospel of reconciliation. The people of our Lord’s day were greatly concerned about bodily healing. The greater work we can do, however, is to see a soul delivered and healed, given eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Are we fulfilling our great commission? Q . Everson, Wash. — “Who was the young man in Mark H : 50-52? Some body told me it was the apostle Paul.” A. This is an interesting observation but it is not borne out by a careful consideration of Scripture. Paul is not mentioned by name this early. He was of course alive at this time, however, the majority of Bible scholars feel that it is speaking of Mark. Q . Reedley, Calif. — “Who are the great multitude o f Revelation 7:9? Will people who live at the time o f the
rapture and want to be saved but have not taken the step, have a chance to join this group which came out o f the great tribulation and washed their robes in the blood o f the Lamb?” A. You have answered your own ques tion. This portion speaks of the great multitude who will be saved during the tribulation period. There may be those who have heard but have not accepted Jesus Christ in this dispen sation. As long as they are alive they have the opportunity of salvation. This event takes place following the rapture of the Church. Their faith will cost them their live^ for they will be martyred for Christ. Q . Menlo Park, Calif.— “I ’m sure you’ve answered this question about I Corin thians 15:29, but I have missed it and would like to hear your inter pretation.” A. Some cults make a great deal out of this Scripture portion, to the ex tent of perverting the truth. Accord ing to some sources there are more interpretations of this verse than most any other in the Bible. Again, for the best Bible interpretation, check the reference in the context. Here Paul, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, is talking about the resurrection of our Saviour. If Christ did not rise from the dead, what is the purpose of Baptism? There is an equally good interpretation suggest- 23
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