Biola Broadcaster - 1966-06

a doubt. O f course, because their eyes have n ever been opened, the world can’t quite understand this. T here was a young girl who had been blind since birth. She had n ever known the thrill o f things we too often take fo r granted, such as the beautiful sparkling blue o f the oceans, or the restfu l green o f a waving field o f a lfa lfa , or even the bright red o f a fire engine. A lthough people had tried to explain color to her, she had no compre­ hension and couldn’t understand. There was no basis fo r comparison. Through m edical science, however, a successful operation was achieved. On the day her bandages w ere finally to be removed, the first thing she could say a fte r looking about in amazement was, “Everything’s so beau tifu l! Why didn’t you tell me be­ fo re? ” O f course, her parents and loved ones had tried to communicate this to her, however, she couldn’t understand. So it is w ith spiritual truths. To those who w alk in darkness they cannot com­ prehend the g reat joy and peace that comes through receiving spiritual light in acceptance o f the L ord Jesu s Christ as personal Saviour. This is why Scrip­ ture says o f Him to believers, “Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believ­ ing, ye rejoice w ith joy unspeakable and fu ll o f glory.” h * * The hardest kind t>f climbing, but the best, is getting out of a rut. * * * It isn't your position that makes you happy or unhappy, but your disposition. * * * Most knocking is done by people who don't know how to "ring the bell." * h * Never be afraid to trust an unknown fu­ ture to a known God. * * * A man who walks with God always gets to his destination. * * * One way to keep your feet on the ground is to put responsibility on your shoulders. * * h To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others use your heart. * * * . Failure is following the line of least per­ sistence. * * * He who provides for this life but takes no care for eternity may be wise for a mo­ ment but he will be a fool forever. 30

The fire of God in your heart will melt the lead in your feet. * * * UNCONFESSED SIN Some years ago archeologists endeav­ ored to uncover the historic “Fountain o f the Maiden.” H istory and legend in ­ dicated that it had poured fo rth its re­ fresh in g w aters in the Roman Forum many centuries before. The scientists had alm ost decided to give up their job thinking m aybe the spring did not exist a fte r all. T here was one enterprising workman, however, who asked perm is­ sion to dig still deeper in one particular spot. Industriously working w ith a crew o f helpers, his efforts w ere finally re­ warded. A fter removing debris and a collection o f trash that had accumulated over the centuries the “Fountain o f the Maiden" gushed fo rth again in all its ancient splendor. The supply o f refresh ­ ment, held captive fo r centuries, was un­ leashed. This is somewhat the picture o f the lives o f certain Christians who have lost their joy in the L ord ’s service. Many o f us, because o f a failu re to con­ fe s s the sins o f our hearts, find, to our own sad dismay, that our prayers have been hindered. Our testimonies fo r the L ord have been o f little effect, and we ourselves have been d efeated and dis­ couraged. We need not be asham ed to come to God. Remember, we have an Ad­ vocate w ith the F ath er, even the Lord Jesu s Christ, and H e will cleanse our im­ pure hearts with H is all-availing shed blood. I f we confess our sins, He is fa ith ­ fu l and ju st to forgive us our sins, and to keep cleansing us from all unright­ eousness. * * * Respect is what we owe— love is what we give. * * * IM PA R T IN G THE TRUTH It has been w ell said that one can guage a nation’s state by the songs its people a re singing. It is sad that the popular melodies o f the day are those which have degraded love into lust. We have had wild tunes in the past, how­ ever, today’s crop leaves little to the imagination as immorality is openly flaunted. May we sing o f Jesu s Christ, the One who loved us and gave H is own life to redeem us. While we may never have visibly seen the Saviour fa c e to fa ce, yet, fo r the believer, with eyes o f spiritual percep­ tion, we know Him beyond a shadow o f

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