others. This one actually lacks self- confidence. A sense of self-sufficiency is an other characteristic, in which a person never asks advice of others. He goes off by himself to solve his problems. These are just a few characteristics which militate for unhappiness. The same is true of an immature person. He refuses to accept responsibility for his own conduct. He wants to blame others for failures. If a child grows up never depending upon himself but always depending upon his parents, he will not be prop erly adjusted to the world in which he must live and get along. There are many irritations in a family because people are not resting and getting their proper sleep. Sometimes prob lems which arise in the home are not basically spiritual. We so often fail to recognize that we are not angels but are sinful creatures who desperately need the strength and power the Lord Himself wants to give us. Let us be thankful for the clear revelation God gives in the Scriptures for good, ordinary, common sense. How can you know how to live, how ever, without studying the Book of life? Don’t set it aside but make it practical through the application of the Holy Spirit. no longer have to commute from downtown Los Angeles. The air conditioned facilities will be used this summer for Biola's Bible conference minis tries (see back cover for more information).
be kept in the household. When the baby is taken away the mother begins to wonder what happened to it and whether it is growing up in a godly home. It is not always as easy as some people think. Each case and circum stance will be different. If the person is able to assume the responsibility for her act and seek the forgiving grace of God, it may be wise to keep the baby. Sometimes the loneliness and frus tration of adopted children are not because of background, even though we may think they are. There can be an unhappy temperment. A person who is pessimistic, rather than opti mistic, will need special patience and help to learn to enjoy life more. Other wise there is a danger for continual rebellion. Another problem is a neurotic ten dency such as being “touchy” and “grouchy.” One whose feelings are easily hurt is usually very introspec tive. He may have been overcorrected as a child and can’t seem to overcome it. He becomes easily sensitive. One who is domineering and determined to have his own way, disregarding the feelings of others, is one for potential problems. Then we know those who are critical and inconsiderate towards Housing more than 300 girls is Biola's Fall-com pleted Women's Residence Hall. The facility has made it possible for all of the girls to be housed on the Campus. The additional Men's Residence Hall, completed last month, means that students
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