2023 Online Health Directions Brochure

CT Home Care Program for Elders State Funded - Level 1 Closed 7/17 State Funded – Level 2 Medicaid Waiver – Level 3 300% of SSI ($841) (eff. 1/1/22) Applied Income starts at $2,147-200%FPL (3/1/21) Medicaid – Level 5 (3/21)

Functional Criteria

Income Guidelines

Asset Guidelines

One critical need

No income ceiling

Individual: $41,220.00; Couple: $54,960.00 (eff 1/22) 150% & 200% of CSPA Individual: $41,220.00 ;Couple: $54,960.00 (eff 1/22) 150% & 200% of CSPA Individual -$1600 Couple - $3200 (both receiving services) $27,676 one receiving services)1/21 A higher asset amount may be allowed when a spousal assessment is done (Excess home equity limit: $955,000)

Skilled nursing home level of care* Skilled nursing home level of care**

No income ceiling- 4.5% cost share

$2,523/month (1/22) Only th e individual’s income is counted toward eligibility

1 or 2 critical needs

$1699 month (150% FPL)

Individual: $1,600 Medicaid groups: S01 – S05

State-CHCPED-Level 4 Individual: $41,220; Couple: $54,960 (eff 1/22) Limit 100 slots *Supervision or cueing ≥ 3 ADLs + need factor; hands-on ≥ 3 ADLs; hands- on≥2 ADLs + nee d factor. Need factors: Behavioral or cognitive Skilled nursing home LOC* No income ceiling impairment requiring daily supervision to prevent harm or assist with prescribed medications beyond setting up of pills. Call 1-800-445-5394 to make referrals or refer online https://www.ascendami.com/CThomecareforelders/default Eff 1/1/2020 max irrevocable funeral service account $10,000; life insurance of face value $1500; 5-year look back of assets. Community Spousal Protected Amount (CSPA): Minimum $27,480 Max $137,400 (1/22) Home equity limit max: $955,000. (1/22) Maximum Monthly Maintenance Needs Allowance (MMNA): $3,435 (1/22). Minimum: $2,307.25 (1/22) Federal Poverty Levels are usually announced in March of each year Other Long Term Services and Supports Options Program Eligibility Benefits How to Apply? Community First Choice

Anyone functioning at skilled nursing home level of care and on any type of Medicaid (i.e. Husky A, D, C, Med-Connect). No age restriction

Self-directed care; PCA (including family/friends, not spouse); Home delivered services; home modifications; assistive technology; Support Broker

Call 2-1-1 or www.ctmfp.com

Provision from the Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Information for Persons with Disabilities

Persons with a disability who have earned income. Proof of disability: Receiving SSD; Medicare Part A after SSD stops or fill out W-300MED (Voc. Med) or W-300T19 for medical review by DSS

Earned income up to $6,250/mo or $75,000/yearly. Premium could apply if income is above 200% FPL (questions on premium: 1-800-656-6684)

$10,000 ($15,000 couple) Excluding: car used for work/medical appts, home, approved retirement accts (i.e. IRA,401K) & approved DSS account for special employment expenses Apply W-1E or www.connect.ct.gov


(Medicaid for the Employed Disabled)

Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS) BRS Benefits Counselor

Assist persons with disabilities wanting to return to work


Benefits Specialist explain the benefits of working & how employment works with benefits 9-month trial test period to return to work. Individuals get full benefits regardless of money earned. Provide peer support, I&R, advocacy, independent skills training to persons with disabilities Tax-free savings accounts for people with a disability prior to age 26 to pay for qualified disability expenses.

1-800-773-4636 to find out your local contact www.portal.ct.gov/ADS

Ticket to Work


Centers for Independent Living

www.cacil.net for contact information

ABLE Act Accounts

1-888-609-3268 https://savewithable.com/ct/home.ht ml https://portal.ct.gov/DMHAS/Progra ms-and-Services/Older-Adult-Services


Senior Outreach & Engagement

Identify, engage, refer & link adults 55 years old+ adults to individually tailored community treatment options.

Long-Term Care Medicaid Application Centers (for new W-1LTC Medicaid applications): Waterbury Office, 249 Thomaston Ave., Waterbury, CT 06702 Bridgeport Office, 925 Housatonic Avenue, Bridgeport, CT 06606 New Haven Office, 50 Humphrey St., New Haven, CT 06513 Greater Hartford Office, 20 Meadow Rd., Windsor, CT 06095 — For Statewide Medicaid Waiver HCBS Applications only

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