2025 Medicare Supplement Plan G Patient with a Supplemental Medical Insurance Plan
2025 Medicare Part B Part B is Medical Insurance and covers physicians services, outpatient care, tests, and supplies- per calender year.
On Expenses Incurred for: Annual Deductible Medical Expenses
Medicare Covers:
You Pay:
You Pay:
Incurred Expenses after the required Medicare deductible
$257 Annual Deductible 20% Of approved amount*
$257 Part B Deductible
80% of approved amount
Physician’s services for inpatient and outpatient medical/surgical services; physical/speech therapy; and diagnostic tests Above Medicare Approved Amounts Excess Doctor Charges**
All Costs
0% above approved amount
Nothing for services
Generally 100% of approved amount
Clinical Laboratory Services Home Healthcare Outpatient Hospital Treatment Blood
Nothing for services; 20% of approved amount* for durable medical equipment Coinsurance based on outpatient payment rates
100% of approved amount; 80% of approved amount for durable medical equipment Medicare payment to hospital, based on out- patient procedure payment rates
First 3 pints plus 20% of approved amount for additional pints
80% of approved amount after first 3 pints of blood
*On all Medicare-covered expenses, a doctor or other healthcare provider may agree to accept Medicare assignments. This means the patient will not be required to pay any expenses in excess of Medicare’s approved charge. The patient pays only 20% of the approved charge not paid by Medicare. **Physicians who do not accept assignment of a Medicare claim are limited as to the amount they can charge for a covered service. In 2025, the most a physician can charge for a service covered by Medicare is 115% of the approved amount for nonparticipating physicians (may vary state to state). Note: New York, the most a physician can charge for services covered by Medicare is 105% of the approved amount for nonparticipating physicians, For routine office visits covered by Medicare, a nonparticipating physician can charge up to 115% of the fee schedule amount.
Notes Once you have been billed $257 of Medicare approved amounts for covered services, your Part B deductible will have been met for the calender year.
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