ACE23 Supplement


PLENARY FIVE EMPLOYMENT LAW UPDATE Laura Collins, employment solicitor, Han Law Laura Collins of Han Law Co updated delegates on some of the key employment law changes introduced in 2023, to help employers make the changes necessary to remain compliant.

6. life cover: no medicals required: free life insurance 7. no hidden fees or charges: you just pay a percentage of your pay 8. tax-free lump sum: can be taken in addition to a regular pension 9. pension increased with inflation: the value of your pension in payment is protected 10. saving for retirement is crucial: maintain your lifestyle in retirement.

Laura also discussed the following areas of interest: l fertility recommendations for employers l transgender and non-binary inclusion at work l menopause l what the empowered manager is capable of.

W1 – PAY TRANSPARENCY AND EQUALITY ON THE GLOBAL SCENE Ana Laiu MSc FCIPPdip, head of payroll, PPHE Hotel Group Ana brought her wealth of both global and UK payroll knowledge to this workshop, to provide delegates information regarding: l equal pay and pay transparency as defined by law l pay fairness, the minimum pay protections guaranteed by law and the associated reporting l assessment of where the UK sits in relation to the rest of the world when it comes to the gender pay gap.

This was a very thought-provoking session and those who attended will have come away with ideas on how to implement useful changes within their organisations.

W3 – WHAT MAKES A SUCCESSFUL PAYROLL BUREAU? Barry Matthews, consultant, Bureau Strategy Barry Matthews set out the background of the payroll industry and how the sector is viewed by some accountancy practices. The question of whether payroll is a cost centre or a profit centre was raised and there was discussion of how bureaux can move away from ‘undervaluing’ this important function. Additionally, Barry highlighted the ‘creeping normality’ of payroll legislation, its ever-increasing complexity and how this should factor into payroll pricing decisions. Eight success factors were provided for payroll service providers to consider to give their bureau the best chance of success. They were to: l communicate complexity and scope of service l measure and reward performance l network with peers l know your software (and the alternatives) l know your clients – actual and potential l demand respect for your time, your team, the profession l invest in ‘soft’ skills l create space.

PLENARY SIX HMRC Q&A PANEL SESSION Mathew Akrigg ACIPP, policy and research officer Richard Garth, customer and stakeholder lead, HMRC Colin Shingler, assistant director – head of customer stakeholder engagement team, HMRC Phil Batchelor, deputy director for income tax policy, HMRC Hosted by: Justine Riccomini MSc FFTA AIPA Chartered MCIPD ChFCIPP, head of taxation, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) The final plenary of day two and indeed, ACE 2023, saw representatives from HMRC, along with Mathew, answer a raft of questions on a variety of tax-related topics. Some of the questions had been submitted in advance of the plenary, but others were provided on the day, as attendees were invited to ask their burning questions through the conference app.

W2 – PENSIONS TOP TIPS Shaun Tetley FCIPP, payroll and pension manager, Portsmouth City Council Shaun’s session was centred on defined benefit pension schemes, with a focus on ensuring employees know just how important their pensions are. He shared some of his key tips and resources. Shaun shared his own personal ten reasons for joining a pension scheme and never opting out: 1. free money from your employer: your employer shares the cost 2. free money from the taxman: tax relief on all your contributions if you pay income tax 3. increased quality of retirement: the state pension will never be enough to live on 4. no investment risk: a pension based on your pay and length of service 5. protection and security: ill health, family and dependants benefits provided

Feedback following the session indicated that delegates thoroughly appreciated the candid responses to the questions asked, and that the closing plenary was a huge success.





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