ACE23 Supplement

l ‘pushing’ and ‘pulling’ l achieving the organisation’s dream l finding head space.

Karen and Maria delivered a very informative and enthusiastic workshop encouraging audience participation. They spoke about the plethora of training courses available and variety of career paths within the payroll profession, and how different skillsets can be matched to job roles and teams. They discussed how this can subsequently improve recruitment and retention, creating a motivated and dynamic team which embraces change, meaning that individuals feel valued.

W4 – MASTER YOUR OWN SUPERPOWER! Dr Sue Smith EdD MA BEd FHEA FCMI Cmgr Assoc CIPD ACIPP, education director In this highly personal session, Dr Sue talked through the moment she realised what her superpower was, and how she has since optimised the power within that superpower! A variety of video clips were shared to complement the session, including Elizabeth F Loftus discussing ‘false memories’ and the unforgettable scene from the cult classic film, ‘Coach Carter’, on the topic of revealing our greatest fears. The session also addressed the dreaded imposter syndrome, as it’s now widely recognised that this is something almost all of us will face at some point in our lives. It was a highly motivating presentation and a great addition to the opening day of the conference.

W9 – STRATEGIC APPROACH TO PROBLEM SOLVING Ellis Rees ChFCIPPdip, strategic account director UK and Ireland, ADP In this session, Ellis covered several areas, and allowed time for Q&As at the end of the session. The questions he answered were as follows: l what’s a strategic approach to problem solving? l why use a structured approach? l what is DMAIC? (Define, measure, analyse, improve, control) l how would this work in a payroll environment? Ellis gave comprehensive scenarios for each stage of the DMAIC model, to bring the theory to life and put it into practice. The workshop ended with a summary of the key takeaways, as the session was jam-packed full of information for attendees to digest.

W6 – LOOKING AFTER THE PAYROLL AND REWARD PROFESSIONAL Karen Beckett BA (Hons) ChFCIPP, head of payroll and benefits, Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation Trust Karen hosted a very passionate session covering stress and mental health in the workplace. She first discussed the signs and triggers which can happen either inside or outside of the workplace, which could affect the health and wellbeing of an employee. Karen provided advice on the types of support that could be implemented to help employees get through difficult times, such as: l providing safe places l appointing health and wellbeing champions l training on the importance of looking after our health and wellbeing l being your own role model.

W8 – NATIONAL MINIMUM WAGE (NMW) Jeni Morris, head of NMW specialist team, EY Jeni’s session was catchily titled, ‘Minimum wage, maximum confusion’, which we’re sure resonates with many payroll professionals. In this highly informative session, Jeni covered: l current enforcement activity by HMRC (proactive and reactive enforcement) l the importance of identifying the different types of category for NMW purposes (salaried / time / unmeasured / output) l what’s included in working time (training / being ‘on call’ / working through unpaid breaks / dressing time) l what’s included and what’s excluded for the purposes of calculating NMW (pay elements / deductions / reductions) l salaried excess hours. Jeni closed by providing an update on the recent HMRC consultation ‘Improving the data HMRC collects from its customers ’, which focussed on the collection of more granular information regarding employee hours worked. She stated that we will have to see how this will link with NMW legislation and obligations, so watch this space…

This was a thoroughly enjoyable session, covering a topic that affects us all.

W5 – ORGANISATIONAL STRATEGY DEVELOPMENT Elaine Gibson MSc ChFCIPP MCMI FHEA, consultant, People Transformation Elaine’s workshop was aimed at individuals at manager / leader level. It was a highly interactive session which explored how to co-ordinate teams, while linking wider businesses strategies to team goals.

W10 – THE PENSIONS REGULATOR (TPR): PENSIONS UPDATE Andy Nicholls FCIPP, industry liaison officer, TPR Representatives from TPR gave an update on all things pensions dashboards related. This included an update on the Pensions Dashboards (Amendment) Regulations 2023, with helpful advice on what scheme managers should be doing now in preparation.The tips included: l reading TPR’s guidance l deciding how to connect to the dashboards l including pensions dashboards as an agenda item l ensuring data accuracy.

W7 – WHAT’S IN THE TOOLBOX TO ENHANCE YOUR PAYROLL CAREER? Karen Thomson MSc ChFCIPPdip FHEA, UK payroll director Anderson Anderson & Brown LLP

Elaine discussed: l how to understand a business l a leader’s responsibilities

Maria Mason MCIPPdip, partner at BDO LLP





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