Report of the IPA Confidentiality Committee (English)

thumbnail sketches that can bring the clinical material alive while they avoid the detailed disclosures entailed in traditional case presentations. “Each approach has its own set of problems, and the method of preserving confidentiality must be chosen by the author on clinical considerations, and therefore tailored to the individual case (see Gabbard, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 81, 1071–1086, Kantrowitz, J. L. (2004). Writing About Patients: I. Ways of Protecting Confidentiality and Analyst's Conflicts over Choice of Method. J Am Psychoanal Assoc. 2004 52(1):69-99, and Kantrowitz, J.L. (2006). Writing about patients. Responsibilities, risks, and ramifications. New York: Other Press for a discussion of the specific set of problems generated by each approach). “Authors are encouraged to carefully consider these alternatives when they prepare their manuscripts, and to give precedence to clinical concerns. They should also bear in mind that in this era of electronic publishing, which broadens the circulation of psychoanalytic papers beyond the traditional scope of professional or “learned” societies, any patient (or relative

of the patient) may have easy access to what has been written.” Revista de Psicoanálisis de la Asociación Psicoanalítica de Madrid “Compromiso de Confidencialidad”

“El contenido de la Revista de Psicoanálisis es de uso exclusivo para los miembros y analistas en formación de la APM. Debido a los compromisos adquiridos por estar incluida nuestra revista en la base de datos “Psychoanalytic Electronic Publishing (PEP)”, queda absolutamente prohibido divulgar a terceras personas o instituciones el contenido de la revista. “Quien haga uso de los contenidos de la revista de forma no permitida, habrá de responder a cuantos perjuicios se deriven como consecuencia del incumplimiento de este compromiso. Calibán “En caso de incluir material clínico, el autor tomará las más estrictas medidas para preservar absolutamente la identidad de los pacientes, y es de su exclusiva responsabilidad el cumplimiento de los procedimientos para lograr tal finalidad o bien para obtener el consentimiento correspondiente.” “Clinical Confidential Material “ is a public eJournal that can be accessed not only by health professionals and academics but also by members of the public, including interested patients of analysts.


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