Q. Denver, Colo. — “We have heard over one broadcast, not the station which carries your 'program, that it is wrong for us to use Christmas trees. Do you think that Jeremiah 10:1-5 gives this suggestion to us? I t is one of the verses which this or ganization uses.” A. This portion has no reference at all to what we know in our Christ mas observance. These people were nature worshippers, and what they were doing was idolatry. Who wor ships a Christmas tree? It is simply a festive, decorative item for the season. It is true that Christmas is over-commercialized, but this is no reason why we shouldn’t use the time for the glory of the Lord. We as Christians should constantly empha size to our children as well as to ourselves that the central point of Christmas is the gift of the Lord Je sus Christ who came to give His life for our redemption. Q. Portland, Ore. — “What does it mean in the Bible when it says, 'Who curseth father or mother shall die the death’?” A. This is found in Exodus 21:15. There was actually capital punish ment for the infraction of this com mandment. God means for respect to
be shown for parents. They are real ly heaven’s representatives on earth. Death was probably by stoning. I t is a sobering thought when we consid er how lightly most people treat this problem today. Keep in mind, how ever, that if a parent expects re spect from his child, he should act as the godly leader the Lord intend ed him to be. Parents are not to pro voke the children to wrath. Fathers, especially, are not to treat children in such a way that they become dis couraged. We can’t lead our children any farther than we ourselves have gone. Q. Billings, Mont. — “Could you give me help on Luke 12:10?” A. This verse has to do with blas phemy against the Holy Spirit. This is really attributing to Satan the work of the Holy Spirit. The minis try of the Holy Spirit is to point people to the Saviour. As long as an individual rejects the Lord, he can not be forgiven. In a sense this makes a liar out of the Holy Spirit. Q. San Francisco, Calif. — “Was Jonah actually dead in the belly of the fish, or was he ju st unconscious?” A. We do not believe he was dead. 11
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