Biola Broadcaster - 1967-09

ber, the Lord gives us hundreds and hundreds of chances in this life. Now is the day of salvation. Q. South Gate, Calif. — “ You declared that the commandments are not im­ portant. Christ said, however, ‘i f ye love me, keep my commandments’.” A. We have never stated that the commandments are not important. They are supremely important, not for salvation but as the standard of God’s holiness. Every one of them, except the fourth, referring to the Jewish Sabbath day, was repeated and elevated to an even higher plane in the New Testament by our Lord. They form the pattern for life. The Saviour, however, gives us His own comm andm en ts. See John 15:12 where we are instructed to love one another even as Christ loved us. I t has well been pointed out that this particular command is a summation of all the others. Love is really the fulfillment of all others. Read I John 3:23 for the commandment Christ requires us to keep. Q. Santa Ana, Calif. — “In Psalm 7:12 what does ‘whet’ his sword mean?” A. It means to sharpen it, getting ready for more slaughter as these wicked people never seem to have enough and are insatiable for blood. Q. Pueblo, Colo. — “Why do most peo­ ple baptize in the name of the Far ther and the Son, and the Holy Ghost, instead of in the name of Jesus Christ?” A. Because it is the method in which the Lord Jesus Christ instructs His followers (Matt. 28:18). To perform the ordinance w ith o u t the three names would not be in keeping with the teaching of Scripture. I t also teaches the unity of the Trinity.

Q. Spokane, Wash. — “Where do some people get the idea of a second chance?” A. I t is certainly not taught in any way in Scripture. The idea of a “second chance” g e n e ra lly comes from natural theology and an erron­ eous interpretation of the Bible. Some have tried to make I Peter 3:18-20 the basis for their false teaching. If this were so, why is it that Scripture specifies th o se of Noah’s generation having a supposed second chance? Actually that gen­ eration was fa r more wicked than most. God wiped out the whole hu­ man race, except for eight people, because of their sinfulness. Neither does II Peter 3:9 affirm that man has another opportunity to be saved following death. God wants all men to come to repentance. However, at death it is forever too late. Remem-

Dr. Samuel H. Sutherland (seated left), looks at material in the new Arizona Bible Colege catalog, with members of the ABC Staff. Next to him is Mr. Robert Boles, new business manager and member of the school's faculty. Standing behind are Mr. Vincent Morris,dean, Mr. Mervin Flshback, executive administrator, and Mr. VernonDoerksen, directorof public relations. Both Mr. Boles andMr.Doerksen are graduates of Talbot Theological Seminary.

Q. Tucson, Ariz. — “ The second com­ mandment states that children of Is

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