tinue in faith and charity and holi ness with sobriety.” Admittedly this is a difficult passage with numerous interpretations. One view is that the woman will be delivered from any dominion over man, that is taking her out of her appointed place. The way for her to escape this tempta tion is through the birth of a child. A second interpretation is more to the point for the main prerogative of a woman is for her to remain as queen in the home. "Childbearing” SUFFICIENT GRACE Sufficient grace, O Christ my Lord, Sufficient grace for me! Sufficient grace for life, for death. For all eternity! Sufficient grace to wash me clean, Though I was black with sin; Without, a whited sepulcher. And no good thing within, Sufficient grace to bear my yoke. To wipe my tears away, To give me rest and sleep by night, And living bread by day. Sufficient, yea, and more than this: There is no need of mine Which can exhaust or even touch That plenty which is Thine! Abundant fountain, full and free, The fountain of Thy grace, Whose depths I may not even guess Till I behold Thy face! — Martha Snell Nicholson implies not only giving birth to chil dren, but also “child rearing.” A woman who gives herself to her chil dren isn’t looking for worlds to con quer. She remains in her sphere of jurisdiction which God has delegated to her. Q. Berkeley, Calif. — “Will you please explain why it says in John 3:18 to believe ‘on’ Christ a n d also ‘in’ Him?” A. The words are used interchange
dares, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die.” Unless that person allows the Spirit of God to work in his heart, there will never be spiritual life. Physical death does not change the condition of the soul. This only takes place through an individual’s personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible pictures those who have gone out of this life, whether saved or unsaved, definitely as being con scious. There is blessedness for the saved and conscious torment for the •lost (Luke 16). The Word of God refers to the body, not the soul, as being immor tal. God bestows immortality upon the body of the believer. While an unbeliever’s body will be resurrected, not unto life, but rather to death. The spirit never dies but lives for ever either with God or in Hell. Q. Arcadia, Calif. — “With what body are the unsaved raised at the judg ment?" A. We do not know, for the Bible doesn’t reveal the nature of the body of the unsaved (John 5:28, 29). We know that the body of the unsaved will be cast immediately into the lake of fire following the Great White Throne Judgment (Rev. 20:12-15). Do not confuse this with the Bema judgment of Christ on the works of believers for reward. Salvation is not a reward, but rather the gift of God. The body of the unbeliever will be fashioned in eternity for punish ment. This is not a pleasant but really a repulsive thought. We would much prefer not to have to talk about it, but we must be true to the inspired Word of God. Q. Spring Valley, Calif. — “What did Paul mean in 1 Timothy 2:15?” f A. This passage needs to be consid ered in its context as we read the words of the women who “shall be saved in childbearing, if they con- 18
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