Biola Broadcaster - 1967-09

merely the opinions of men, and that the Scriptures are no more inspired than was Shakespeare. Another view is that God directed the minds of men in their meditations, but that they wrote their own words. The third view, which is the one which we tenaciously hold, is that the Bible is fully inspired from cover to cover. The Lord so worked upon the minds of men that the very words they used w e re th o se literally God- breathed. In this sense, “holy men” were mere automatons or unconscious instruments. They wrote according to their own personalities but were directed by the Holy Spirit. This is verbal inspiration as given in the original documents or the auto­ graphed copies. Any mistakes have come in through translations over the centuries but, miraculously, even in this God has preserved the purity of His Word. * * * Worry is Interest paid on trouble be­ fore it falls due.

58; John 14:1-3), these little ones will go, too! Q. Billings, Mont. — "Everyone in our Sunday school class goes to church regularly, but we have heat­ ed debates over theology and some of the people actually get angry. I thought Christians were to be peace- fid, loving and kind. How do you re­ concile this?” A. Theology describes the convic­ tions individuals have concerning great truths revealed in Scripture. When these doctrines are put to­ gether, one has a creed. I t is true, “Men hold convictions but convic­ tions hold men.” Some of these truths rightly mean more to us in many instances than our very lives. While we need to be more peaceful, loving and kind, we also must be prepared to contend earnestly for the faith. Q i Junction City, Ore. — “We have been told that the devil has the ability to heal, and that some of the present-day healing is of the devil. Is there any truth in this?” A. It seems that some purported “scholars” know more about the devil than he does about himself. While Satan does have many abilities, heal­ ing is not indicated in Scripture as one of them. His purpose is actually just the opposite in trying to ruin man in every way. Of course God, in His sovereign wisdom, could al­ low anything which is in accordance with His perfect will. Healing cer­ tainly is in the sovereign will of God. At the same time, the devil does take advantage of acts through the flesh. He is not generally in the heal­ ing business. A Q. Goodyear, Arlz. — “What is verbal inspiration?” A. There are three views concerning the Word of God. One is that it is

Mr. Ais Formes, a graduate of Biola and now on the staf of Campus Crusade for Christ, ad resses a recent gathering on the Campus. Mr. Pormes, whocame toBiola forhis training from Indonesia,was used of the Lord for many years in that area. At one time the Communists put a priceon his head because of his fearless proclamation of the Gospel.


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