by Lloyd T . Anderson
T he Believer’s Walk before the Un believer — 4 :5. As they prayed they were to live! Their pagan neigh bors were watching them carefully. The phrase, “those without,” means the unsaved world outside t h e Church. Walk in the New Testament signifies the believer’s walk. The tenor of the walk is to be “in the Spirit” and not in the flesh. “Buying up opportunities” is suggestive of the terrible loss suffered by believ ers by careless living. The Believer’s Talk is vital — 4:6. Their conversation is to “be seasoned with salt.” Salt preserves and keeps from spoiling. Grace and salt (humil ity and wisdom) make a wonderful combination in approaching t h e i r heathen neighbors, Tychicus, the faithful minister — 4:7. This believer is mentioned five times in the New Testament (Acts 20:4; Eph. 6:21; Col. 4 :7 ; II Tim. 4:12 and Titus 3:12). He was an Asian and joined Paul on his second missionary journey (Acts 20:4). He became Paul’s trusted messenger to Ephesus (Eph. 6:21). He was sent to “comfort their hearts.” What a great man! The main emphasis of his life seemed to be faithfulness. Onesimus, the lowly servant —4:9. Here was a runaway s lav e who, found by Paul, had been led to the Lord. He is here'introduced as one of the highest among them — a real brother! Aristarchus, the sufferer — 4:10. Here was a Hebrew Christian saved in Thessalonica (Acts 19:20). He was mistreated in the Ephesian riot (Acts 19:29). He was a silent min ister for Christ. Marcus, the young enthusiast — 4:10. He had a good beginning in the Christian life, but had backslidden a
little. He had been brought up in the luxury of his mother’s home in Jeru salem (Mark 1:14-15). He probably felt he was more spiritually advanced than he really was! Paul turned him back from his first missionary jour ney (Acts 15:38) and would not al low him to go on the second. Barna bas, his uncle, sought to develop him in the steady ways of the Lord. Justus, the unknown convert — THE VALUE OF A SMILE It costs nothing, but creates much. It enriches those who receive with out impoverishing those who give. It happens in a flash, and the memory of it can last forever. None are so rich they can get along without it, and none are so poor that they are not richer for its benefits. It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign of friends. It's rest to the weary, daylight to the discouraged, sunshine to the sad, and nature's best antidote for trouble. It can't be bought, begged, bor rowed, or stolen: for it's something that's no earthly good to anybody until it's given away. 4:11. This man is not mentioned elsewhere in the New Testament. He was devoted to Christ and Paul. His first name is the Grecized form of Jehoshua (Jehovah’s help). Epaphras, the prayerful pastor — 4:12-13. He was led to Christ by Paul in Ephesus. He probably car ried the Gospel to Colosse (2:1) and later became the pastor (1:7). Luke, the trusted physician —4:14. Luke played a great part in Paul’s life. He probably joined Paul at Troas. He appears in I Timothy 4:11 as one personal attendant of Paul in 29
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