Biola Broadcaster - 1967-09

T he believer ( v . 10) is to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. As he comes to the close of the Ephesian letter, Paul sums up his presentation. In the preceding chapters there has been a grand array of the tru th for the believer and now he is encouraged to yield not an inch. “Finally” is an interest­ ing word. Loipos means “remainder,” “the rest” or “the balance.” He gath­ ers himself for a glorious climax. There are several factors here to be remembered: 1) There is a sure struggle, 2) It cannot be evaded, 3) It is irreconcilable, 4) Only in the Lord is our strength. We are to en­ gage in much prayer (v. 11). Ephesians 6:12 relates tha t life is one of constant conflict. We are to face the great encounter in Christ. a). We have arrayed against us tremendous powers. “Principalities” — the Greek word is arche, some­ times translated rule. It is evident that there is a combination of power headed up by a giant leader of evil. “Powers”—the word here is exousia which means lawful; sometimes ren­ dered authority. “Rulers of dark­ ness” — the original word here is very interesting. I t is the word kos- mokrator, coming from kosmos and krato which mean “world” and “have strength,” respectively. This is the only place where the word occurs and it means “A ruler of the world.” Jesus referred to the devil as the prince of the power of the world (John 12:31). “Spiritual wickedness in high places” — the Revised Ver­ sion renders it host or forces of wickedness. The word wickedness is poneria which means depravity or iniquity. Salmond translates t h e whole phrase, “Spirit forces whose essential nature is wickedness.” The

enemy does his battling in the Heav­ enly realm. b ) . We are to wear the sash of tru th — v, 14. Here is a military figure that reveals a belt that covers the lower part of his body. It was strongly made of hard leather and metal plates. The loins of a man are the seat of the muscular system. It was necessary tha t he be protected here. The truth is brought before us as being foremost and important. The word tru th is both objective and subjective. c ) . The Breastplate of Righteous­ ness — v. 14. It was a coat of mail that protected the body both forward and backward. F irst, they were heavy leather and later metal. Paul

Dr. J. RichardChase (right). Academic Vice President of Biola, has the privilege of pre­ sentinga special award to Mr. andMrs. A. C. Friesen, Biola dining room managers for more than nine years. The Friesen's indefatigable service for the Lord broughthem the special Biola Alumni AssociationUnsungHero Award.


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