word he uses is thureos coming from the word thura which means door. The fiery darts were fire arrows lobbed a t the enemy. Only a large strong shield would help here. f ) .The Salvation Helmet — v. 17. Someone has suggested a progression in pieces of armor here. The helmet was one of the oldest pieces of armor ever used. Paul could see the Roman soldier as he strode past him on sentry duty. “We must know whom we believe!” g ) . The Sword of the Spirit — v. 17. This is the last. The sword is an ancient weapon, used for centuries. The sword represents the Word of God. The word used here is not logos, but rhema which refers to a thing spoken. The word machaira translate ed sword, occurs 29 times and means a large knife for killing. This is the only offensive weapon in the whole armory of the believer!
drew his illustrations from around him — he saw them everywhere. It probably refers to both “our right eousness in Him” and “our right eous walk.” I t is armor that all can see — righteousness. d ) . The shoes of Peace — v. 15. The Romans were careful about the feet of their soldiers. These shoes speak of being established a n d grounded in the Gospel. Here is where peace comes in. As he firmly stands, he is at peace about not fall ing down in combat. Peace is to be possessed. We are to “stand firm” in the Lord. e ) . The Shield of Faith — v. 16. He uses the words, “Above all” and it may mean in addition to or over all. There were a t least two types of shields — small and worn on the arm, and large and fixed to the ground as the soldier hid behind it. He refers to the latter type for the
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The Biola Fellowship Plan The B iola F ellowship P lan was inaugurated to include all those who have been blessed by the ministry of BIOLA and who have a desire to invest in this work of the Lord on a regular (monthly basis). Con sistent, faithful giving by God’s people enable us to carry on the many diversified ministries God has blessed since the school’s founding in 1908. The amount of your gift is up to the individual ; faithfulness in giving is what is most helpful in continuing the Lord’s ministry a t BIOLA. The B iola B roadcaster , a publi cation consisting of messages, poems and illustrations given on the B iola R adio H our , is mailed automatical ly each month to the members of the B iola F ellowship . You may become a member of this F ellowship by simply filling in the information below and mail ing it to us.
'For we are laborers together with God."— I Corinthiarfs 3:9
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