King's Business - 1952-12

Pest iDtsijes for a Plesseb Cfjrtstmas from our Authors

Rev. Chester J. Padgett, Th.M., D.D., (Biola ’AO) is a graduate of Wheaton Col­ lege and Princeton Theological Seminary, pastor of Calvary Church, Placentia, Calif., and Associate Professor of Bible at BIOLA. He is the father of three sons, Peter, James and John. He writes Young People’s Topics for The King’s Business.

Miss Gladys Bouman (Biola ’A7) has illustrated Dr. Wilder’s Object Lessons for eight years. She is a grade school teacher who spends her “ spare” time attending night classes in Sacramento State College, and working in a funda­ mental church.

Rev. Homer A. Kent, Th.D. (Biola ’18) lives at Winona Lake, Indiana. He is a graduate of Ashland College and Xenia Theological Seminary. He is pro­ fessor of Church History and Practical Theology and Registrar at Grace Theo­ logical Seminary, Winona Lake, In­ diana. He has been writing Pointers on the Lesson for ten years.

Rev. Donald G. Davis, Ph.D. is a graduate of the University of So. Calif., Northern Baptist Seminary, and has a Ph.D. from the University of Edin­ burgh. He is Professor of Church His­ tory in Talbot Theological Seminary, Head of the Department of Social Sci­ ence in Biola College, and pastor of Berean Baptist Church of Los Angeles. He and Mrs. Davis are parents of five children: Gordon, 12, Dorothy, 11, Ruth 9, Esther 2 and James, born Nov. 5. He is Book Review Editor of The King’s Business.

Mrs. Virgil Arrowood (Allison Sel- way, Biola ’38) and her husband teach in the Baptist Bible College of Denver, and are parents of Carl, seven, and Marilyn, four. They are members of the Beth Eden Baptist Church of Denver where Mrs. Arrowood has a class of 250 women. She has been writing Helps for the Children for seven years.

Rev. Elmer L. Wilder, D.D. (Biola ’27) is pastor of the Minthorne Com­ munity Church of Milwaukie, Oregon. Two of his daughters have graduated from the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Ruth Macy ’47 and Lois Cowles ’49. He has been furnishing Object Lessons for The King’s Business for nineteen years.

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