King's Business - 1952-12

Upon the cross He gave the clue: " 'Tis Finished" then said He. The temple vail was rent that we, through Him, to God might flee. Our weaknesses are cancelled out, on God's books not a trace. Because of what our Saviour did! Our merit has no place! Works? Ah yes! Most loving works! Our gratitude to show That past, and present, future sins He cared for long ago! A "F inished" work. Salvation's price, and never paid by man. Though man seems bent on proving that by effort great, he can! And so, at Christmastime, our hearts so full of praise should be. So full of confidence and joy, and love beyond degree! For all He asks is that we take His outstretched Gift so free, A simple act: "Believe and Live" for all Eternity! Then let us on our knees adore as wise men did of old. And in His keeping give our lives, our talents, and our gold! For this He yearns, for this He paid. Our Intercessor, He. Upon the Father's right. He stands— and waits for you and me! Grace Concklin Lofton Copyright 1952—by Grace Concklin Lofton

"M erry Christmas!" "Christmas G ift!" W e hear this all around. A s bustling throngs and carols gay in frosty air resound. The tinkling bells and colored lights, the festive Christ­ mas tree Are symbols to commemorate our Lord's Nativity! Although our world is in a whirL bewildering and mad. And many folk, this Christmastime, have lonely hearts and sad. Still there is magic in the name, a surge in every breast Of memories, of worship too, and love divinely blest. For Love began, one Christmastime, within a manger stall. And culminated on a cross— God's loving Gift for all. If only all could understand, and take this Gift so rare! What joy and peace, what fellowship the world with Him would share! But many do not realize the Gift is really free. They work and struggle, all in vain, to earn Eternity! One cannot earn a gift at all, or gift it cannot be! God's plan allowed His Son to earn our Gift at Calvary! For God loves all, both great and small, and clearly understands That Adam 's children, wayward still, will fail in His demands. He is a God so holy, pure, that sin to Him is black. The big and little sins alike, the unkind thought and act. And sin demands, for Justice sake, death penalty by blood! In olden times, a lamb sufficed, and with the ebbing flood Man's sins were covered for a time, but never blotted out Until the Perfect Lamb, our Christ, removed all sin and doubt. Our faults erased by One so chaste? How could that ever be? 'Tis true! For Christ is Son of God, the God of Trinity. He's One of Three, and Three in One, a mystery to man! (And yet we grasp electric power: in light, and heat, and fan!) The Son part of the Triune God, on Calvary's cruel tree Paid with His blood that you and I from sin's curse might go free! And Father God was satisfied the debt was paid. Are we? How can we cast this Gift aside, reject Heav'n's open door. So hardly won, so dearly bought! How could we ask for more?

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