King's Business - 1952-12

jgheltottCollege Formerly The National Bible Institute offers a liberal arts education free from denominational bias and all entangling alliances with modernism, more and more churches and mission boards are demanding college trained candidates. Shelton provides high college standards on a sound Bible-belleving basis with strong theological and pre- theological departments. Write for cat­ alog. SheltonCollege Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President 340 W. 55th Street New York 19, N. Y.

Jan. 18, 1953 I PROMISE—TO SUPPORT MY CHURCH Matt. 16:13-20; John 15:4-10 The Church is the most important in­ stitution in the world next to the home. The Church is intended to influence the spiritual and moral life of the commu­ nity. The Church is the only soul-winning institution in the world! If the Church fails in her God-given task of evangeliz­ ing the world the world will never be reached for Christ. These considerations help us to see how tremendously import­ ant is the Church in days such as we now live in. Every believer must ac­ knowledge his personal responsibility to the Church of Christ and must do all within his power to fullfill his obliga­ tion to Christ as a member of the Church. The Founding of the Church Matt. 16:18 Sometimes we are told that the Apos­ tles founded the Christian Church, or, more specifically we are told that Peter was the original founder. Neither of these views are true. The Scripture tells us that Jesus Christ Himself is the Founder of His Church (Matt. 16:18). As the Founder of the Church, Christ is the owner of it. He said, “ I will build my church.” Church history records many attempts on the part of church leaders to steal the Church away from its rightful Owner. Men have introduced doctrines foreign to the teaching of Christ—such teachings as baptismal re­ generation, purgatory, prayers for the dead, indulgences, the worship of Mary and the angels, the necessity of a human priesthood as mediators between God and man, the mass, and countless other teachings that have no vestige of Scrip­ tural authority. These are all attempts on the part of men to take control of the Church which belongs only to Jesus Christ. The Foundation of the Church Matt. 16:13-18 In verses 13-16 Matthew records the great confession of the Apostle Peter re­ garding the Person of Christ. Peter acknowledges the Lord Jesus as the “ Christ, the Son of the living God.” In verse 17 our Lord states that the under­ standing of His nature was supernatu- rally revealed, God the Father had taught Peter concerning the Deity of the Son. This wonderful confession of the Deity of Christ had been made by Peter whose name means “ a little stone.” The fact of Christ’s Deity in comparison is a “ rock” or “mighty crag” as is brought out in the original word. It is the “mighty crag” upon which the Church is built, not on the “little stone.” Because Christ is the foundation of the Church and not any man, even Peter, the Church is sure. Someone has well said, “ I sometimes tremble on the Rock, but the Rock never trembles under me.” Men and movements come and go but Jesus Christ never changes (Heb. 13:8; Heb. 1:10-12). Because Christ is the foundation of the Church, and not men, the Church is safe. Our Lord said, “ the gates of hell D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

shall not prevail against it” (v. 18). The “ gates of hell” is an expression equivalent to “the Kingdom of Satan” and in His statement our Lord means that the devil and all his angels shall not be able to defeat the Church of Christ. The reference, of course, is not to the visible organization, but to the true Church which is His body, made up of all who truly trust Him and are mem­ bers of His Church by the new birth (John 3:3-7; 2 Cor. 5:17). The Power of the Church Matt. 16:19, 20 These words have led to all manner of abuse by those who assume the right to admit or exclude precious souls from Heaven. Jesus Christ alone is the Lord Attention — TRACT USERS CELLOPHANE for Rolling Gospel Tracts in 500 sheets $1.10; 5 colors to the pkg. Device for ROLLING TRACTS in Cello­ phane $2.00; Device for FOLDING TRACTS faster and neater 50c; GOSPEL TRACTS 200 assorted $1.00 ; 500 for $2.25, 1,000 for $4.00. SOWER REPLY CARDS with your name and adda-ess printed thereon 500 for $2.50, 1,000 for $4.50. D e- thereon 500 for $2,50, 1,000 for $4.50. De­ vice for SHOOTING ROLLED TRACTS from your auto 20c; TRACT DISPLAY RACKS — 2 compartment Translucent $1.25; eight compartment, beautifully enameled metal $6.00, including Coin Box CHRISTIAN LAYMEN'S TRACT LEAGUE 2511 N. Drake Ave., Chicago 47, Illinois Send 25c for sample package

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D r . L o u i s T . T a lb o t Presents four 16 mm. sound films in beautiful color. "I SAW PETRA" Rose colored city of the dead. Fulfilled prophecies in Palestine. "INDIA'S SORROW ” Religions of India, Missionary Work, Burning Ghats, Child Widows, Lepers, Taj Mahal. "I SAW BORNEO" Dr. Talbot’s trip into the interior of this jungle island. "SIAM" Land of Fabulous Temples.

Film Department


Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 558 S. H o « S .,«.., Los A » « , . . , C U f « , ! .

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