King's Business - 1952-12

constitutes the only certain proof of re­ generation. Paul wanted to know Christ in the power of His resurrection. He wanted that same power in his own life in order that he might live the resurrection life (Rom. 6:4, 5; Col. 1:1-4). It takes the resurrection power of Christ to enable a believer to live in the center of God’s will. Paul wanted to know Christ in the fellowship of His suffering, that is, He

ambition of life, namely, personally to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Note that Paul says “that I may know Him.” Paul could not be satisfied with knowing about Christ; he had to know Him per­ sonally. A head knowledge of Christ is good but it never brings salvation. Some people are orthodox in their views but Christ has never made any difference in their lives, and there is not that warm and wonderful relationship to Him that

Jan. 25, 1953 STRIVE TO KNOW Phil. 3:8-14

This is Denominational Sunday. It is fitting and proper that the important contributions of each particular denomi­ nation of the Christian Church should be recognized and acknowledged. The tend­ ency today, however, seems to be to exalt and magnify denominational dif­ ferences to the exclusion of the exalta­ tion of Jesus Christ the Church’s only Head! The Scripture chosen for our study is a wise one. It draws attention away from man-made organization to the Per­ son of the Son of God who ought always to be the center of Christian life and service. God’s people can always get to­ gether, and ought always to be able to get together at the feet of the blessed Saviour. Somehow when Christ looms large on our spiritual horizon denomina­ tional groups take their proper place and do not become magnified out of due proportion. The True Sense of Value When a young Pharisee Paul hated Christ bitterly (Acts 9:5; 8:3; 9:1,2; 22:4; 26:9, 10; Gal. 1:13; 1 Tim. 1.13); But when he met Christ on the Damas­ cus road (Acts 9:1-20) he saw how ter­ ribly wrong he had been and from that time on he recognized the glory of the Person and work of the Son of God. In our text (w.8, 9) the Apostle tells us that he had carefully weighed the worth of Christ against the worth of everything he had previously held dear, and he found that Christ outweighed it all. Actually, anything that keeps a man away from Christ is his worst enemy. Paul speaks of the “ excellency” of the knowledge of Christ (v.8). To Paul the personal knowledge of Christ surpassed all other knowledge. He would rather he a graduate of the School of the Cross than hold a degree from any university in the land. He speaks of “ Christ Jesus my Lord.” If Christ is known at all He must be known as Lord of the life. When Christ is real He is the Master and in­ fluences the entire life of the believer. The central value of knowing Christ as Saviour and Lord is in the fact that such knowledge brings justification. This means that the believer who knows Christ is free from the guilt of sin (v.9). Paul thought that he was righteous once, but he learned that his own right­ eousness was as filthy rags in God’s sight. In Christ and in Christ alone could he be made the righteousness of God. But the moment he believed that ■moment God’s righteousness became his (see also Rom. 1:16, 17; 3:21-31; 5:1; 2 Cor. 5:21, etc.). The True Ambition o f Life Phil. 3:10 This verse is one of the favorite Scrip­ ture verses of many Christians, and rightly so. It indicates what is the best D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

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