King's Business - 1952-12

Present-day Christians who are faith­ ful in confessing Christ will be blessed by Him. It is not enough to give Christ a place in the heart. He longs that we should confess Him as Saviour to others. Lesson: These hearts are the same size and look very much alike. What is the difference? “ One is tin and the other glass.” They remind me of the disciples to whom the Lord Jesus said: “ Whom do men say that I the Son of man am?” (Matt. 16:13). Peter, like the glass heart, was quick to confess Jesus as Christ, for he said: “ Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16). The other disciples were like this tin heart in that they did not confess Jesus as the Christ. In their hearts they rec­ ognized him as such, but they did not confess Him on this occasion. If we turn the tin heart around, we see the letters found in the word “ CHRIST,” but it is difficult to read them. As the Lord provides, we lengthen ou r cords and strengthen o u r stakes. Address to the Secretary-Treasurer 542 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, Illinois F K I E N B S There is an urgent need for prayerful and financial help to build Evangelical Methodist Churches in the Columbia Basin, Washington State. ITrite COLUMBIA BASIN MISSIONS Box 1143 MOSES LAKE, WASHINGTON C E Y L O N & IN D IA G E N E R A L M IS S IO N Our M inistry in India includes — North and South India

(Withdraw the uncut hearts with the white thread from the back compart­ ment. Force the envelope wide open, al­ lowing the audience to look inside). Those who came to Christ were all healed. Instead of being bound together with sin, these hearts are now bound with purity. We are not surprised to read, “ And they glorified the God of Israel” (Matt. 15:31).

Jem. 4« 1953 N eed and D eed

Objects: Two unused correspondence envelopes, eight colored paper hearts, a small red cross and a pair of scissors. (There should be two hearts, brown, two yellow, two green and two purple. Fasten one set of hearts together with a black thread, allowing a little space between each heart, and the other set with a white thread. Cut several holes in the hearts with the black thread. Cut down both sides and across the bottom of one envelope. Discard the irregular half of the envelope, and keep the com­ plete side that bears the flap. Insert this side and flap in the uncut envelope with the gummed portion in the normal posi­ tion for sealing the envelope. This will make a partition. Hide the hearts with the white thread behind the partition, before sticking the two flaps together. This gives the envelope the appearance of being empty. Glue the red cross on the front of the envelope). Lesson: What is in this envelope? “Nothing that we can see.” This red cross on the outside of this envelope reminds us of the cross on which Christ shed His blood in order that He might redeem the lost from sin. We will let these colored hearts re­ mind us of the needy people who came to Christ for healing. They are fastened together with a black thread, suggesting sin. Look how each heart is cut and torn. There are four hearts for those men­ tioned in Matthew 15:30. “ And great multitudes came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, maimed, and many others.”

Jan. 11, 1953 W hat S imon S aid

Objects: A tin heart and a glass heart. (To make the hearts, use a piece of tin and a piece of glass 8x10 inches.

Use four pieces of paper the same size, and cut hearts from the centers. Paste these sheets on the front and back of the tin and glass. On the back of the hearts in the opening write backwards the word “ CHRIST” using water colors or a China marker-crayon).

the man in the RED suit isn t ^ / i n t a c c a i !

if three years the Coml" unl* suffering and death. ,te WHETM r I ^ O R C E , B? FEAR OR BY FROPA- ANDA, ^ ^ ^ ^ r / w e T u s T U r t h e ^ o s p e l of ^ - • • T h " power of God unto salvation" - *JO IN IN ' the Vocket°*estament teague^Ko^ean j:am- Ä T Ä Ä "0fd ,0 ,he 'e 0 pleA°ifredeA. Kunz, Executive Director THE POCKET TESTAMENT LEAGUE, Inc. 156 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y. Page Forty-one

We will place these hearts that are tom and bound together with sin in this envelope which has a red cross on it, re­ minding us of Christ. The Bible says, “ And he healed them.” First, we will seal the envelope with the hearts inside. Next, we will cut the end of the envelope off with the scissors. D E C E M B E R , 1 9 5 2

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