King's Business - 1952-12

T h e W o r k a n d the W o r k e r s

Associate Editor Resigns

Church, Rev. Oscar Raymond Lowry, pastor; San Bernardino, Faith Bible Center, Rev. Will South, pastor; Van Nuys Missionary Church, Rev. Cor­ nelius Vlot, pastor; Valley Baptist Church, Burbank, Calif., Rev. John D. Saegher, pastor. How to Close Churches O NE of the things for which the American people should thank God all the days of their lives is the freedom of worship we enjoy in this land of the free and home of the brave. Fully half of the world’s people do not live under this freedom, but their worship is dic­ tated and regimented. There is no doubt that one Commu­ nist objective is the gradual closing of churches and the spiritual starvation of those who want to worship God. This has been demonstrated in the Russian satellite countries. Communism and closed churches go together. There is no place in the Communistic scheme of things for the worship of God. We pray earnestly that the Commu­ nistic rule may be kept from our shores, but if it ever comes, one of the first aims of Communism will be the gradual throttling of open churches and the de­ struction of freedom of worship. However, this is not the only way to close churches and this is not freedom of worship’s only threat. Churches can be closed by mere indifference on the part of American men and women. The church, in order to be the virile force it should be in American life, must need have the wholehearted co-operation and earnest support of the majority of our citizens. And while multitudes of Americans would be aghast if you sug­ gested that they were atheists, their actions daily prove them to be, for week after week and year in and year out they fail to enter the house of God and worship Him. They would count it an insult of the first order to be labeled Communists, while their actions in ig­ noring the church and its needs is the first-class Communistic line. On the other hand, to state the posi­ tive side is to say that the way to have a democracy which will work and a country of which we may be proud is to strengthen and encourage those great and underlying institutions which are fundamentally both American and Christian. In Loving Memory In order to honor the memory of our beloved faculty member, Dr. Reid S. McCullough, there has been established the “ Reid McCullough Memorial Fund P* in order to grant student loans, through a revolving fund, to worthy applicants. Contributions for this fund should be mailed to Mr. Frank Watson, Room 126. Bible Institute, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. Please designate your contributions for this fund.

Word of Life Expansion The Word of Life broadcast with Jack Wyrtzen is now aired throughout the world. In the fall the program took on 26 stations of the Yankee Network and just recently the home station moved to WJZ in New York City. The director, Jack Wyrtzen, is now engaged in an evangelistic effort throughout New Eng­ land, spending the week days in evan­ gelistic campaigns and returning to New York City for the Saturday night Dr. Joseph P. Free announces that the sixth Wheaton Bible Lands Cruise will sail from New York on February 18 abroad the new Italian liner, S. S. An­ drea Doria. The trip is open to Chris­ tians of all ages and will include all the significant cities of the Bible lands. New Seminary President The Rev. John F. 'Walvoord, A.M., Th.D., was elected President and Pro­ fessor of Systematic Theology at the Dallas Theological Seminary. Dr. Wal­ voord succeeds Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, well-known founder of this school who served as its president until his death last August 22. Dr. Walvoord has been Assistant to the President since 1945, and is a graduate of Wheaton College and Dallas Seminary. Report on Christ for Everyone Early reports of the gigantic Christ for Everyone campaign reveal most en­ couraging results. The first report was from a small farming community in Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania where thirty-eight converts were reported. From the historic Park Street Church in Boston, Dr. Harold J. Ockenga re­ ports that the campaign enjoyed splen­ did attendance with tremendous results among Christians. It is believed that the possibilities of a continuing program of personal witnessing and neighborhood evangelism are truly beyond computa­ tion. Teen-Age Crusade Youth for Christ International is launching a nation-wide teen-age crusade to enroll 10,000 youth pledged to win 100 converts each to a faith in Christ. These according to President Robert A. Cook will constitute an army of 1,000,000 who will refuse to let America slip down the road to hell. The crusade is to be carried out through 1,000 Youth for Christ Ral­ lies plus the 1500 high school Bible clubs. Preaching Platters Word from Gospel Recordings Incor­ porated tells that nearly 14,000 little preaching platters were sent out during a recent month. These platters are gospel recordings in the languages of hundreds of peoples and tribes the world around. They are made on the spot in the foreign lands and by returned missionaries on furlough. Each contains music and a gos­ pel message and is intended to be used by the missionaries in places where the language is not yet known. Word of Life release. Bible Lands Cruise

William W. Orr, D.D. I T is with regret that we announce the resignation from the Bible Insti­ tute of Los Angeles and The King’s Business of Dr. William W. Orr, who has served as Vice President, Director of Extension, Director of Radio and Associate Editor of this magazine, for the past eight years. In 1945, Dr. Orr came to the Bible Institute from Calvary Church of Pla­ centia, California where he had served as pastor for six years. Now pastor of the Hope Union Church, Rosemead, California, he holds a Th.B. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, a D.D. degree from the Bible Institute, and A.B. and M.A. degrees from George Pepperdine College. He and Mrs. Orr have two daughters, Joanne, 22, grad­ uate of U.C.L.A., and Grace, 17, a High School Senior. Dr. Orr is an unusually gifted and versatile servant of the Lord who has labored faithfully for the school. His editorial gifts have been of inestimable value to this magazine as from his pen have come the editorials, The Bible in the News, The Work and the Workers, as well as many other interesting articles. In addition, he has produced many val­ uable booklets, the titles of some of them being “How To Be a Happy Chris­ tian” , “ The Key to Success in the Chris­ tian Life”, “ How to Know the Will of God for Your Life” , “Answering Col­ lege Students’ Questions” , “How We May Know That God Is.” A number of his booklets have been designed partic­ ularly for young people to whom they have been most. helpful in establishing them in the faith, and his tracts, espe­ cially the one entitled, “ The Most Im­ portant Thing In Life” , have been the means of salvation of souls. However, Dr. Orr is perhaps best known as the “M.C.” of The Bible Insti­ tute Hour which for a number of years has been released over the full facilities of the Don Lee Mutual Network thrice weekly, and he has also substituted on the verse-by-verse Radio Bible Study Hour. Dr. Orr will be greatly missed by the Bible Institute, The King’s Business, and by me personally, and our prayers will follow him.

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Editor in Chief

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