Diversity & Inclusion
Our diversity demographic data
Count Me In campaign
By the end of the UK campaign, we obtained an average of 12% increase in completion across all our demographic questions, equivalent to an increase of over 6000 data points (see Annex 3 for a breakdown of the diversity demographic data for the UK). Currently, our demographic data varies per region and as we continue to roll out the campaign across the rest of the firm, we will look to improve not just the response rates but the type of demographic data we collect, taking into consideration local requirements around the collection and processing of this type of data.
Ensuring that our Firm appropriately reflects society is important to Clyde & Co, and understanding our workforce demographics is, undoubtably, one of the critical first steps in further developing a diverse and inclusive workplace. The monitoring and use of information about the diversity of our workforce can assist us with this goal. In summer 2023 we launched the Count Me In campaign which is focused on increasing the self-ID demographic data of our colleagues. We began the campaign in the UK this year to support one of our regulatory requirements to submit the diversity of our workforce to the Solicitors Regulation Authority.
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