Responsible Business Report 2023

Environmental Sustainability & Biodiversity


Looking forward

We have already noted a number of actions which will take place in the next year under our various initiatives. Our industry-leading Climate Change Risk team continues to develop its offering, helping clients to understand their risks regarding climate change, prepare their business for future risks, and evolve in a way to capitalise on the opportunities created by the transition to a low carbon economy. Last year we launched our new “Net Zero Legal Audit” product which undertakes a comprehensive audit of our clients’ Net Zero statements, plans and emissions reduction activities to identify key areas of risk, and provide mitigation strategies and solutions. Last year we negotiated, and completed, a Sustainability Linked Credit Facility (SLCF) with Barclays Bank plc to replace a pre-existing traditional interest-based credit facility. We understand we are the first large firm to enter an SLCF in the legal sector, and we intend to supplement this next year with further replacement of our existing traditional credit facilities with sustainability linked credit facilities. We are delighted that our people around the world are becoming more environmentally conscious every day and taking action. We will continue to encourage local initiatives to tackle issues. We will implement longer term changes that will continue to reduce our impact on the environment.

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