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&/#3&'r#3*&'4 MULTIPLE CHARGES A traffic call September 5, around 10 p.m., on Duval Road in Vankleek Hill resulted in multiple charges against a local man. David Bradbury, 42, is charged with impaired driving, drug possession, driving with a suspended licence, driving a vehicle without valid plates, driving without insurance, and failure to apply for a permit. SEXTORTION SCAM The OPP warn of an online sextortion scam targeting Eastern Ontario resi- dents. The con artists work through social media, contacting potential victims, and threatening to release intimate photos of them to friends, family and online contacts unless they receive payment via wire transfer, Bitcoin, or in the form of gift cards. Contact police if targeted by this scam, update all online passwords and social media security, and be cautious posting on social media. – Gregg Chamberlain PROJECTED COVID-19 EXPENSES UCDSB staff updated trustees of current and potential sources of revenue to support the COVID-19 response as well as expenditures to date. As a result of contingencies identified during the 2020-2021 budget process, funding support from the Ministry of Education and other sources, a total of $14.3 mil- lion was identified as revenue that could be applied to the COVID-19 response in the UCDSB.



A meeting on a rezoning request in East Hawkesbury Township will be open to the public but with some conditions for public health safety. 5IF 4FQUFNCFS  TFTTJPO PG &BTU Hawkesbury council will include a public meeting scheduled for 7 p.m. on a rezoning application dealing with a property on the north side of County Road 17 near the undeveloped part of the Hawkesbury Golf and Curling Club land. The empty land is zoned Rural and the public meeting concerns a request to have JUSF[POFE3VSBM&YDFQUJPO UPBMMPXEFWFMPQ - ment of a retail store on the site. &BTU)BXLFTCVSZ5PXOTIJQIBTOPUZFU developed a teleconference system like other municipalities have to allow virtual meetings for local councils and for any public hearing meetings. Township council sessions so far have taken place at the municipal office with attendance limited to council members and staff. Chief Administrator Luc Lalonde confirmed that the September 15 rezoning hearing will be a public meeting but there will be limited space available for attendance in order to meeting pandemic public health rules on social distancing. If anyone wishes to come to the meeting to voice either a concern or an objection to UIFSF[POJOHSFRVFTU UIFZNVTUOPUJGZUIF municipal office by email or phone before

A rezoning request concerning land along County Road 17 for a proposed retail business will be the subject of a public meeting September 14 at the East Hawkesbury Township municipal office. Anyone who wants to attend to ask questions or object to the rezoning must notify township staff by 4 p.m. September 14 as there will be limited attendance space available because of pandemic social distancing rules. —archives


DPODFSOT RVFTUJPOT PSPCKFDUJPOTTFOUCZ email or phone without residents having to attend the meeting itself.

La réouverture sécuritaire des écoles nous tient tous à cœur.

C’est pourquoi, avec la collaboration de responsables de la santé, de conseils scolaires et d’éducateurs, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a élaboré un plan exhaustif qui permettra de veiller à la sécurité des élèves et du personnel.

• Des mesures visant le respect de la distance physique seront appliquées : séparation des pupitres, affiches, indications au sol et couloirs à sens unique. • Le port du masque sera obligatoire pour le personnel et les élèves de la 4 e à la 12 e année. • L’hygiène des mains sera renforcée grâce à la désinfection et au lavage des mains. • Il y aura plus de personnel infirmier dans les écoles. • Les mesures visant le nettoyage des écoles seront améliorées.

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario.

Payé par le gouvernement de l’Ontario. Visitez

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