King's Business - 1932-03

THIEVES byNIGHTor MONEY SHARKS b y DAY-cannotrobyou o f this p r o t e c t e d Income x x q &SM. ¿ J E S S S B f *



Happy days may vanish and unhappy ones take their place,if income is not protected! Protea V YOUR income for yourself and / \ loved ones .. . buy Jm \ annuities!


T JL .H I hro ugh years o f struggle man saves lest inescapable old age prove inhospitable . . . but thieves and money sharks will rob him of his life accumulations if he is not constantly alert. Guard Your Income! Annuities provide a way to avoid losses of this character. For example . . . a thief steals an annuity agreement. . . but he cannot steal the income . . . IT IS PROTECTED . . comes to the annuitant irrespective of what happens to the annuity agreement itself. Or again . . . a money shark peddles his worthless securities . . . but he cannot stop the annuity income . . . IT IS PROTECTED . . . it comes to the annuitant regardless of how plausible the wild cat proposition may have sounded. Stop Worrying! Annuities eliminate financial worry! Thievery . . . business depressions . . -. bank collapses . .. suspended interest.. . reduced earnings . . . are hazards unknown to annuitants. Old age .. . no income . .. bitter tragedy that

. . don't let it happen in your case . . . and it need not . . . for you may create a life income ■. for yourself (and some loved one if you choose) through one or more annuities with Bible Institute of Los Angeles. Merely send your check for $100.00 or more attached to the coupon below showing your name, address, and birth date . . . and remember an an­ nuity with Bible Institute of Los Angeles helps train men and women in the knowledge of the Word of God.

T w o o r th ree lives m ay be included in one an n u ity , slif Mly se ra are

Please send without obligation copy of Biola Annuity Booklet

----- No. 332 -------------------------


N am e _

AGE 3 0 3 5 4 0 4 5 5 0 5 5 6 0 6 5 7 0 7 5 8 0

A ddress

D ate o f B irth .

BIBLE INSTITUTE of LOS ANGELES | q A Training School for Christian Service 536-558 South Hope Street Los. Angeles, California L_

A m o u n t E nclosed .

When 2 or 3 persons are to be included in one annuity, the | name, address and date of birth of each must be indicated. | _________________________________ i

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