King's Business - 1932-03

March 1932


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imiiimmiiiimiiimiiiiiiiimmiimiiimiii . . . . the ONE Graded Course built squarely on the BIBLE only

verily here with us amid the common­ place and insignificant duties of the dusty today, then we need look back to no pur­ ple distance, nor forward to any horizon where sky and earth kiss, but feel that here or nowhere, now or never, is Christ the all-sufficient and unchanging Friend. He is faithful. He cannot deny Himself. ■—A l ex a n d e r M a c l a r e n . MARCH 21 W a l k in g W o r t h ily “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowl­ edge of God” (Col. 1:10). Precious Saviour! teach us to walk in Thy heavenly footsteps! Give us to drink more info Thy spirit! This, truly, is what we need. We are so sadly prone to self- seeking and self-pleasing, even when ap­ parently doing right things, and ostensibly engaging in the Lord’s work. We run hitber and thither, do this and that, travel, and preach, and write; and all the while we may be pleasing ourselves, and not really seeking to do the will of God and to pro­ mote His glory. May we study more pro­ foundly our divine Exemplar! May He be ever before our hearts as the One to whom we are predestinated to be conformed. Thank God for the sweet and soul-sus­ taining assurance that we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is ! It is but a little while and we shall be done forever with all that now hinders our progress and interrupts our communion. — S c r ipt u r e T r u t h . MARCH 22 S e n s e V e r su s R ea lity “Lo, 1 am with you alway, even unto the end of the world” (Matt. 28:20). Some of us think and say a good deal about a sense of His presence; sometimes rejoicing in it, sometimes going mourning all the day long because we have it not; praying for it, and not always seeming to receive what we ask; measuring our own position and sometimes even that of others by i t ; now on the heights, now in the depths about it. And all this April-like gleam and gloom, instead of steady sum­ mer glow, is because we are turning our attention upon the sense of His presence, instead of the changeless reality of it! All our trouble and disappointment about it is met by His own simple word and van­ ishes in the simple faith that grasps it. For if Jesus says simply and absolutely,

“Lo, I am with you alway,” what have we to do with feeling or “sense” about it? We have only to believe it and to recollect .it. And it is only by thus believing and recol­ lecting that We can realize it. ■— F ra n c es R idley H avergal . MARCH 23 M ade for t h e H e ig h t s “And Moses made haste, and bowed his head toward the earth, and worshipped” (Ex. 34:8). You remember John McNeill’s story of the captive eagle which grew up in the hen yard with a clog on one of its feet.. At last the man decided to liberate the eagle and take off the clog, but it went hopping about just the same. So one morning he set the eagle on a wall just as the sun was rising. The eagle looked for the first time at the rising sun, then, lifting himself up, he stretched his mighty wings, and with one scream launched himself into the upper air. He belonged up there all the time, and had simply been living in the wrong place. Thus, reader, stretch the pinions of your soul, beat the lower air, and rise u/itil you are with the enthroned One. —C. I. S cofield . MARCH 24 P o ssessed of P eace “Peace 1 leave with you’’ (John 14:27). If we are really Christ’s, then back into the very bosom of His Father where Christ is hid, there He will carry us. We, too, shall look out and be as calm and as inde­ pendent as He is. The needs of men shall touch us just as keenly as they touch Him, but the sneers and strifes of men shall pass us by as they pass by Him and leave no mark on His unruffled life. For us, just as for Him, this will not mean a cold and sel­ fish separation from our brethren. We shall be infinitely closer to their real life when we separate ourselves from their out­ side strifes and superficial pride and know and love them truly by knowing and loving them in God. This is the power and progress of true Christianity. It leads us into, it abounds in peace. It is a brave, vigorous peace, full of life, full of interest and work. It is a peace that means thor­ oughness, that refuses to waste its force and time in little superficial tumults which come to nothing, while there is so much real work to be done, so much real help to be given, and such a real life to be lived with God. That peace, His peace, may Jesus give to us all.

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