King's Business - 1932-03

March 1932 with Peter, when he first forsook his Mas­ ter, then followed Him afar off, and after­ ward denied Him. Ere long, he went out from His presence, weeping bitterly. It was a very painful experience, but the les­ son of the worthlessness of his own self- sufficiency had to be learned, in a way he would never forget. How many have, sim­ ilarly, failed and been turned back: have taken a wrong course, through self-will or self-confidence, and have had, in humil­ iation and sorrow, to retrace their steps! Are failures and mistakes inevitable? God gives us His hand, His Word, His Spirit, to instruct us in His will, to show us His way, to lead us at every step.—J. T. W. APRIL 2 T h e A b id in g L ord “1 will never leave thee, nor forsake thee" (Heb. 13:8). The believer will never lack an advocate, for the Lord hath said, with the emphasis of five negatives, “No, no, I will never leave thee. I will never, never, never for­ sake thee.” *“So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper. I will not fear what man shall do unto me.” You need not always be troubling about your reputation, upholding your rights, asserting your place in the world. What does all that matter? Your great Companion will secure for you your fitting place, will worthily guard your reputation, will surely preserve your goings. The promise comes down through the centuries—the promise that was given to Moses, but was not given to him in such measure as it is granted to you and m e “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.” May I very humbly suggest that you look up to the Lord at this moment and say, “If thy presence go not with me, carry me not up hence.” —W. Y. F u llerto n . APRIL 3 T h e P ra c tice o f t h e R edeem ed “Wherefore come out fom among them, xnd be ye separate, saith the Lord" (2 Cor. 6:17). Open union with the people of God is most desirable. It would argue disloyalty in a soldier if he would not wear his reg­ imentals and refused to take his place in the ranks. True, he might fight alone, but it would probably turn out to be a sorry business. If God’s people will not be ashamed of us, we need not be ashamed of them. I should not like to go into a public assembly disguised in the dress of a thief; I prefer my own clothes. And I cannot understand how Christians can bear themselves in the array of worldlings. —S elected . “And Samuel took a stone, and set it between Mispeh and Shen, and called the name o f it Eben-eser, saying, Hitherto hath the Lord helped us" (1 Sam. 7:10), Hitherto—the Lore) hath helped us, Strengthened, comforted, and blessed, Guided by His chosen pathway To the promised land of rest; Over hills and through the valleys, APRIL 4 E b en ezer


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Us from every faithless fear; That the Pillar of our witness May to others stand as true, While recording—“God hath helped us Hitherto.” Hitherto—redeemed, forgiven, Hitherto—our needs supplied, Hitherto—the hope of heaven And a pierced hand to guide; So henceforth—His help in sorrow, Grace and strength His will to do, And the love that never failed us Hitherto. » - L if e of F a it h . APRIL S C h r is t H olds t h e K ey “Fear not; I have the keys” (Rev. 1 :15). Every crisis in the history of God’s peo­ ple has been solved by a new vision of the same Christ who is “the same yesterday, today and for ever.” We need to know that He has the keys. Christ alone can unlock our problems and perplexities. Statesmen may do great and valuable work, but they hold not the keys. We acknowledge the power and ability of the men great in busi­ ness, but they have not the keys. Sociolo­ gists speculate and discuss to some ad­ vantage in some instances, but social re­ organization not born of Christ will solve nothing. Intellectuals study deeply, write and say many profound and wise things, but the solution is not with them. Christ is the only One who holds the keys. He is the Living One, once dead, now alive for­ ever more. Our sorry condition will never be corrected; our prison walls will never open until He uses His power. If is the day to seek Christ, who died and rose again, and give ourselves to Him, after the manner of the first disciples, who left all to follow Him. Christ has been lost in incorrect doctrine. Christ has been lost in complex organization. Christ has been lost in the spirit of this world, which has so filled the church. We will never get out of fear and trouble until we have Him. He has the keys. — T h e P r e sb y t er ia n . APRIL 6 T h e H o u se of t h e L ord “The house of the Lord” (Psa. 23:6). The permanence for which we wait seems promised' in the words with which the shepherd-minstrel closes the psalm; which are as simple as the words “home” and “mother,” and quite as full of mean­ ing. Heaven is a home; it is “the house of the Lord,” which is the nearest approach possible in the Old Testament to the words of Jesus: “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” What a magic power there is in that word home! We find our home where father, mother, brothers, and sis­ ters, the wife and the children are; where the presence of the stranger throws no shadow over the unrestrained play of fam­ ily life. Think of the large family of noble children of all ages—all gathering to spend a time together in the ancestral hall, stand­ ing amid its far-reaching grounds; and you will have some faint conception of what the home-going will be, when, amid the welcoming shouts and songs of angel harps, the last child reaches the Father’s house, and the whole family in heaven and earth is. gathered in the Father’s house for­ ever and forever, never again to part. Al­ ways and everywhere we may find our dwelling place in God, who has been the home, and refuge, and abiding place of His people in all generations. —F. B.' M ey er .


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Lonely wilderness and plain, He hath led us in the sunshine And the rain. As we raise our Ebenezer, As we journey year by year, Lord, we pray Thee to deliver

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