King's Business - 1932-03

March 1932

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s


is needed by, those who in their hearts ob­ serve Jehovah’s covenant and His testi­ monies. Holiness is thoroughly maintained while grace is manifested. Mercy leads to and introduces tru th ; and “all the paths of Jehovah” declare things unitedly. “Mercy and truth” thus “met together,” “righteousness and peace” will “kiss each other.” The Eighty-fifth Psalm shows this accomplished. It is in confidence, then, that the prayer is uttered: “For thy name’s sake O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great.” Great sin is great need: great sin pardoned is great grace ; consciousness of great sin pardoned "makes the heart love much. — S c r ipt u r e T r u t h . APRIL 9 O u r G reat G od “7 will call upon the Lord who is worthy to be praised” (Psa. 18:3). God is too great for me to dare to of­ fend Him, too greatly good for me to grieve Him, too greatly good for me to doubt Him. Think of that last. So great, that nothing can be great that I can do for H im ; so great, that nothing is too great for me to give H im ; so great, that when I give myself away, it is a poor offering com­ pared with His deserts; so goodly great and greatly good, that I would be all His, and yield myself entirely up to His will. I would be what He would have me be, do what He would have me do, give what He would have me give, suffer what He would have me suffer; I would be absorbed into H im ; I would find a heaven in a blessed union with Himself, which should prevent forever any self-assertion, or the setting up of so much as a wish or a thought which would be contrary to His mind. God is great, therefore would I wish others to know Him and love Him, too. I would ask for talent, if I may be trusted with it, with which to proclaim H im ; and if I have small ability, yet, with such as I have, grace being given me, I would to the ut­ most of my ability proclaim the great­ ness which has already overpowered my spirit.— C h a r l e s H addon S pu r g e o n . APRIL 10 C o n f e ss io n L eads to C h a n g e “And he said unto him, What is thy name” (Gen. 32:27) ? Three or four different truths must have been borne home to Jacob by a question so penetrating. There was his personal re­ sponsibility. It will be of no use to assert that he is the child of Abraham and Isaac; God is resolved to4earn who and what he is himself. And there was his past sin. “What is thy name? And he said, Jacob” —Jacob, the supplanter, the deceiver, the cheat. It was not a pleasant answer to have extorted from him, but it carried in it the conviction of guilt which he sorely re­ quired. And there was the vaunting pride. At the very moment when “the Traveler unknown” wrestles with him, he is plan­ ning a fresh triumph for his cunning and skill; he must understand and hate himself more than he does. But there was his glorious opportunity also. Would the Stranger have asked for the open confes­ sion of his undesirable name if he had not meant to blot it out and to give him a new'name of honor and worth? This is how God transacts with me in the most solemn seasons of my history. I pass through the same discipline. He leads me out and away from others—it may be by the sharpness of trial—until I know that

APRIL 7 S a fe i n C h r is t J e s u s “The righteousness of. God which is by faith of Jesus Christ” (Rom. 3:22). What is the ground of confidence? That nobody shall lay anything to our charge. God has justified; and even the accusa­ tions of the devil do not avail when God justifies. “I am persuaded that neither death, nor life”—that includes all things inanimate and all things animate—“nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers”—■ that includes all intelligences, human, an­ gelic, and diabolic—“nor things present, nor things to come”—that includes all du­ ration, past, present, and future—“nor height, nor depth”—that includes all di­ mensions, however high or deep—“nor any other creature’ssS-well, if anything has been left out of the previous categories, it is taken into this. What is going to separate from the love of God, if nothing, alive or dead; no intelligences of earth, heaven, or hell; nothing in the past, pres­ ent, or future; and no possible dimensions of height, breadth, depth, or length—and if, in fact, there is no one thing in the universe that can do it, then what is going to do it? The following may help: The hopelessness of sin lies in the depravity of the sinner. The price of salvation is the death of the Saviour. The sphere of my sàfe-keeping is the life of my Safe-keeper. The secret of my victory is. my union with the Victor.—A. T. P ie r so n . APRIL 8 G reat G race “All the paths o f the Lord are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies. For thy name’s sake O Lord, pardon mine iniquity; for it is great” (Psa. 25:10, 11). Whatever the darkness, the faith that clings to God makes no mistake, nor can He be wanting to it And so this verse itself declares. Mercy is pledged to, as it

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