King's Business - 1932-03

March 1932


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

I stand alone with Him. He makes plain my failure and disobedience. I wait for the morning. I refuse to loosen my grasp, until the Lord blesses me indeed and in truth. His probing and unsparing knife is keen, but it is kindly, too. — A l ex a n d e r S m e l l ie . APRIL 11 D a il y C o m m u n io n “And they gathered it [manna] every morning, every man according to his eat­ ing" (Ex. 16:21). The Israelites used to gather the manna fresh every day: they were not allowed to store it up. There is a lesson here for u s! If we would be strong and vigorous, we must go to God daily. A man can no more take in a supply of grace for the future than he can eat enough today to last him for the next six months, or take sufficient air into his lungs at once to sustain life for a week to come. We must draw upon God’s boundless stores of grace from day to day, as we need it. — D . L. M oody . APRIL 12 T h e G lory of G race “The gospel of the grace o f God” (Acts 20:24). As we review the marvelous record of grace in God, in Christ, and in us, we see very plainly two things. It is a gospel for the sinner. It excludes all human merit, renounces all human claim, and centers in God alone. If any one should say, “It is too cheap,” let him look at Calvary and see the cost to God. If any one should say, “It is too easy,” let him again look at Calvary and realize what was needed to put sin away. It is cheap, it is easy for us because it is gratuitous; and if it were not gratuitous, there would be no salvation at all. But to God it was unspeakably costly, because sin was so hideous and awful as to necessitate it. But the precious blood of Christ is the glory of grace, and now to us who believe, He is indeed “precious,” and will be to all eternity. It is also a gospel for the saint. It not only provides redemp­ tion, but it humbles pride, guarantees holi­ ness, inspires to service, incites to hope, pledges heaven, and glorifies God. No wonder, therefore, that we are invited to receive this grace and are warned against receiving it in vain. Grace does not work apart from our responsibility. We must use it, believe it, respond to it, reproduce it. —W. H. G r if f it h T h o m a s . APRIL 13 T h e S ecret o f E f fe c t u a l P rayer "Praying in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20). The great subject of prayer, that com­ prehensive need of the Christian’s life, is intimately bound up in the personal full­ ness of the Holy Spirit. It is “by the one Spirit we have access unto the Father,” and by the same Spirit, having entered the audience chamber through the “new and divine way,” we are enabled to pray in the will of God. Here is the secret of prevailing prayer, to pray under a direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit, whose petitions for us and through us are always according to the divine purpose, and hence certain of an­ swer. “Praying in the Holy Ghost” is but cooperating with the will of God, and such prayer is always victorious. How many Christians there are who cannot pray, and who seek by effort, resolve, joining prayer circles, etc., to cultivate in them-

S a f e t y means everything • • • to T h e m

“In these days of uneasiness about investments, it is so comfortable to know that my annuity agreement with the American Bible Society is absolutely safe and that I can depend on the pay­ ments from it. And I know that all the time my money is doing good.” — A. D. . . . Illinois “A short time ago I began to think about an income for the future. Experience taught me that some in­ vestments were not satis­ factory and secure. I had very little to expend but that little meant much to me. Safety therefore was the first requisite,” — M. P. . . . New York Safetu first Safety is one of the many satis- w ' factory features possessed by the annuity agreements issued by the American Bible Society. Instituted in 1816 this organization has for over eighty years been issuing annuity agreements and has never missed a single payment. Many testimonials similar to those above have been received expressing great satisfac­ tion in the freedom from anxiety made possible by the safe character of the Society’s annuities. V ttwM a The safety feature of an Ameri- can Bible Society annuity agree­ ment is further enhanced by the assurance that on through the years it will continue to do good. Great satisfaction comes to the Christian in knowing that because of his annuity the comfort, the counsel and the challenge of the Scriptures will be distributed across the earth through the service of the American Bible Society. “Mrs. S. and I are thoroughly pleased with the annuity agreement of your Society which we hold. We know that it is safe, and that the money which we have placed with you on the annuity basis will return to us a steady and reliable income no matter how long we may live. We like to think also that when we no longer need this income the principal will be used for the translation, publica­ tion and distribution of the Scriptures, a work so essential to the Christian missionary program.” — S. . . . Oklahoma m m ,\>w Op


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