King's Business - 1916-01



1 A7HEN you return to America. Pastor * * Chang, tell the Christians that China has only two needs—‘hu kou’ and ‘hu sin’ ; China needs to guard her mouth and to guard her heart,” says William W . John­ ston. Elder Lin o f Tsinanfu, Shantung, was speaking to the missionary, who was about t o , leave for furlough in the homeland. Realizing that at 87 years o f age he might have no more opportunities to send mes­ sages to America, he seized the occasion o f his friend’s departure to send a message i o f especial import to American Christians. And he had special reason to be interested in America because o f the presence at school in this country o f his two grandsons. “ China needs to guard the mouth—she needs to watch out for everything which will make it easier for her people to ‘get over the days’ and to have food and com­ fort in their lives. W e must care for our country’s material prosperity. “ It is on account that I have adopted my younger grandson as my own son. And now I have permitted him to go to America to study how to help his people. He will learn ot teach us how to go deeper than the plow can go and to reach the coal and the iron, the silver and the gold that God has given to us to make China a pow­ erful and prosperous nation. “And we need to hu sin—to guard the heart. Now the Chinese heart is a heart of fear. Rich and poor, old and young, every one o f us naturally fears both men and devil. What we need is to know about the heart o f love. W e must know our heavenly Father. . W e need to understand the four­ teenth chapter o f John. “It is because I realize this that I have adopted as my own my older grandson. And him I wish to become a pastor who can tell our people how they can change the heart o f fear into a heart o f love. This grandson o f mine also is in your country. These two blessings can be given to us by the help o f America. And these blessings are all that China needs.”

Eyes full o f darkness but a face full o f light. The story o f Whang, the blind sor­ cerer o f Korea, is the history o f redeeming grace. At three years o f age Whang had smallpox and became blind. At ten his father and mother died o f cholera; his uncle took the little lad and trained him to be a sorcerer. At twenty-five he was brought to Christ. He learned to read by the Braille system o f writing. He invented a system for his blind countrymen. He has opened a school for the blind in his native city. “I wish you could see him smile,” writes a missionary. “ In repose, his face is thoughtful, wistful, seeing things, not close by . . . . in another world. It was so I saw him first, dusty, tired, at the end o f a three-hundred-mile walk. Thus he came to our back door, and I saw on his tired, pock-marked face the vision o f another world. Strange, isn’t it, to find a deeper, sweeter happiness on a blind Korean face than I ever saw on a human face at home?” The “ dropping seasons” o f this year have brought forth exceptional crops. There is abundance o f everything. The amount of rain somewhat injured the hay, yet there is plenty o f such as it is. This country could feed the world today. Wheat has reached the record o f over one billion bushels. While wheat has generally declined in the quantity per bushel, it has increased in acreage. The farmers o f the Southern States, discouraged over their cotton crop, have gone more into wheat and ge'neral farming. The estimated yields for 1915 are: Wheat, 1,003,000,000 bushels; corn, 2,983,000,000 bushels; rye, 45,700,000,000; barley, 224,000,000 bushels; hay, 78,900,000 tons; cotton, 10,500,000 bales. Christians o f Elat, Africa, last year sup­ plied 121 teachers among their own people. They are learning that all men are brothers. The churches o f Korea work in such har­ mony that when a Presbyterian moves from a district where Presbyterians are at work into a territory assigned to the Meth­ odist denomination, he automatically becomes a Methodist.

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