King's Business - 1916-01

B ible I nstitute A ctivities T H E M O N T H ’S R E V I E W


Mrs. T. C. Horton, Supt.

H E W AS gifted and travelled and wrote the most charming stories for young people, stories that were decidedly Chris­ tian in tone—stories that were eagerly accepted and published by prominent Sun­ day School .papers. He was visiting this summer in the neighborhood o f a Bible Woman’s class, and upon-the invitation o f the pastor, attended a lesson on the “ Sec­ ond Coming o f Christ.” In discussing the subject afterward this writer declared he had never before heard the truth o f Christ’s coming presented, and a sadder fact was brought out; that while he wrote so won­ derfully about the church, the Bible, the Christ-life—in reality he did not believe in any o f them. He reminds us o f Noah’s carpenters o f whom Mr. Moody wrote; working and helping to construct the Ark, yet refusing to enter its open door to safety. Pray for this man.—N. Walking from a Bible Class one day to the street car with a woman who professed to be a Christian, something led the worker to ask “ Do you really know you are saved ?” The reply was, “Why, I always supposed I was.” Some passages o f Scripture were repeated and we did not see her for some weeks. Then she said, “Well, I know I am saved now. Do you remember our talk on the street corner, and that among other verses you quoted John 5 :24? Now, I knew that verse by heart but some way it came to me as if I had never known it before, and- I really think I was born again right then. I went home and told my husband I was saved, and since then he has come too, and we are just as, happy as can be.” — H.

A class .was recently held by orte o f the Bible women where the dispensational truths were tauglft. A prominent educator and wife dropped into the class and were so deeply interested that upon their return home they began, for the first time, to study the prophetic truths, especially the book o f Daniel. Quoting ' from the man’s testi­ mony, “ Though my father was a minister, I was never interested in the Bible until getting hold o f these truths. I am sending all my notes along these lines to my sister in the East, begging her to search the Scriptures in relation to the Second Com­ ing o f Christ, since we had never heard anything of this in our lives. Our winter study is now fully planned.”—C. The work o f the Euodia Club for this year is in Genesis, the book o f beginnings. From a doubtful acceptance o f this portion o f the Bible, as compared with New Testa­ ment work, the classes are now a unit -In favor o f Genesis, in which lessons they have become more and more interested. They are also finding greater delight in their private study and the results are exceedingly satisfactory. The W ord o f God is quickening and powerful, as is con­ clusively proven in the quiet, steady, spir­ itual growth p f the girls, and the unmistak­ able results apparent in their consistent lives among their companions. Mrs. J. E. Newman, Little Rock, Ark., has written the following strong letter o f appreciation to the editor o f this depart­ ment “ During a part o f April it was my priv­ ilege and great pleasure to take a course o f

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