King's Business - 1916-01



■definitely received thè Lord Jesus Christ as your own personal Saviour. Perhaps like many others you have been waiting for some great emotion to sweep over. you,, but will you not just now take Jesus?” The big tears began to roll down her cheeks and the words, “ I will,” fairly gushed out. W e all dropped to our knees. It was great to hear that boy pour out: his heart in praise and gratitude to God for “ saving a sinner like me.” As he finished, ^Jessie’s voice was lifted to God in that dear old hymn that has brought so many Tor years past to the foot o f the Cross, “Just as I am without one plea.” As the last faltering, tearful, broken note died away, we could almost hear the voice o f many angels round the throne saying, ‘‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing.” Representative asked if thSy could get more, should they desire to use it in class work, and already we have sent extra copies to those wishing to use them as a basis for Bible study this fall and winter. This all goes to show what far-reaching effect this one phase o f the work alone may have. Besides the large quantities o f literature which the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles itself furnished, consisting o f “ Anti-ism” literature, catalogues, sotivenirs, sample copies o f “ The King’s Business,” etc., we received from Dr. Arno C- Gaebelein 10,000 copies o f “ His Riches, Our Riches” , which had been Specially bound for the Exposi­ tion. With these he sent 3,000 o f his little booklets “Joseph and His Brethren” ; 2,000 “The Order o f the Star o f the East” , by Philip Mauro; 2,000 “ God’s Gospel and Satan’s Counterfeit” by Arthur Pink; 300 copies Scofield’s “ Rightly Dividing the Word o f Truth” ; 500 copies each o f Mala- chi Taylor’s “ Outline o f Collosians and Philippians” ; about 500 copies each o f

W e had a long talk this time' over the dear old Book. The precious fruit was ripe for the picking. God’s “ due time.” The wonderful story o f Jesus and His love was never sweeter than in the telling o f it out to those hungering to hear. It would have done your heart good, and as dear Mr. Horton puts it, “set the joy bells ringing” to see the spiritual awakening o f that boy. The truth gripped him and he gripped the truth. He took the book and read the passage over and over again. With each reiteration his voice grew more positive. He jumped to his feet, his face glowing. Turning to his wife I said: “Jessie, you 'have listened to the’ dear old Gospel story all your life-r Grandma there taught it to you as a little tot when she rocked you to sleep. As a young girl you heard it in Sunday School, and the Scriptural truths are familiar to you by the outer ear, but you have never yet faced John 1:12 and T HE past month, yrhich marked the close o f our work at the Panama Expo­ sition, has been filled with many precious experiences, as we were privileged to sow the seed in the minds and, we hope, hearts, o f several avowedly skeptical men and women. Since July 1 the booth has been open six days each week, and Gospels, Bible-study leaflets and tracts have been distributed to a multitude o f people. The tracts were printed not only in English, but in German, Spanish, Yiddish, Japanese and Chinese and dealt with almost every phase o f the Christian life. Perhaps the best work accomplished has ' been the distribution o f this literature. In one month Bible-study leaflets were given to over 300 people coming from all parts o f the United States, from Nova Scotia to Central America, Japan, China, Philip­ pines, India, Australia, New Zealand, the South Sea Islands, and many other parts o f the world. Several o f the recipients

— --------- O -------------- THE EXTENSION DEPARTMENT Geo. W. Hunter,

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