King's Business - 1916-01



erature among a group o f Mexicans living in box cars. The worker is praying that God may lay it upon some heart somewhere to give one o f the students the money to pay his car­ fare one afternoon a week, so that he may give us much-needed assistance.. Five dollars would pay for a three months’ book o f tickets. W e feel sure He will help.

no news of the day. Prayer is needed that God may deal with them and save many through the reading o f the tracts and the German book, “ The Way o f God.” Another night, five men held up their hands for prayer, after the giving o f the Gospel message and the distributing o f lit­

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William Sloan, Supt.

W ORK is now being done in the Kern River Fields. Last month was spent largely in the Fullerton District. I don t find as many people in the oil territories as in other years, but I find a great many new faces and a need for the Gospel of Christ; even a greater need, if possible, than in years before, because all the false religions and teachings are now every­ where. They have made a special raid through­ out the oil fields. Christians need to be brought back to the message o f the Book. Never before did Romans 1:16 have a

greater message to me. The truth alone is the need o f the folks that live in the oil fields o f California. I have seen lives transformed by- it in the last week, back­ sliders reclaimed, and those who were slip­ ping brought back to a 'solid footing. Children have been saved. Billy Sunday says if you want to whip the devil use a cradle instead o f a crutch. May God save the boys and girls. God surely is working in the minds of people for often the subject o f the coming King is introduced by those at whose homes I call.

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L. H. Jamison, Supt.

W E , MET him on the street leading a blind companion. They had been com­ panions in jail, but now they were both free. He had been arrested for drunken­ ness and when we asked if he would not now trust in the Lord Jesus Christ to free him from the power o f sin, he significantly pulled from his pocket, not a gun, but a well-worn Testament. It is doubtful whether drink will ever again get the bet­ ter o f .that man. His blind companion had been arrested for selling trinkets on the street without a license. He was ignorant

o f the legal requirements, but he had broken the law and sixty days was the sentence. It was in the jail that they both heard the Gospel. Are they now really free? Only to'th e extent that the Son makes them free, for “whom the Son makes free is free indeed.” T o the man who accepts the Lord Jesus as his Saviour and Lord, the saloon and other places of vice are closed. The smelter at Harvard City has pro­ vided work for about eighty Mexicans. There are several believers there, most of

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