King's Business - 1916-01




(1 ) The Pentecostal Day (Fully Come), y. 1. What did the three great feasts o f the Jews commemorate ? First—The Passover, E x .-12:1-14. Second—The Pentecost, Ex. 19:20. Third—-The Tabernacles, Ex. 23:16. Did the Passover point to Jesus as the Lamb o f God? 1 Cor. 5:7. Does Pentecost point to the descent of the Spirit? 2 Cor. 3:3-18. Does the Feast o f Tabernacles point to the gathering unto Him? Ex. 23:14-16; 2 Thess. 2:1. Was the coming o f the Spirit an answer to prayer? John 14:15.' Was it a fulfillment o f the Lord’s prom­ ise? John 14 :27; Acts 1:8. Was it a proof o f the Lord’s entrance into glory? John 16:7. (2 ) The Physical Phenomena (The Sound from Heaven), vs. 2, 3. Are God’s appearances sudden in judg­ ment and blessing? Mai. 3 :1 ; Mark 13:36; 1 Cor. 15:52. O f what is the wind a. type? John 20:22. Does the Spirit quicken dead souls ? John 6 :63; 1 Peter 3 :18. Does He search hearts ? 1 Cor. 2:10; Rom. 8 :27. Does He humble the hearts o f men? Rev. 1 :17. Does He cleanse the hearts o f men? 2 Cor. 7:1; Eph. 5 :25, 26. O f what are the tongues significant? Acts 1 :8. What were-the disciples to do by the' power o f the- Spirit? Acts 8:4. Is there a contrast between the confu­ sion o f tongues and the consecration of tongues? Gen. 11:9; Acts 2:4. (3 ) The Plentitude of Power (A ll Filled with the Spirit), vs. 4-13. When the sinner accepts Christ, what does the Holy Spirit do ? 1 Cor. 6:19-20. What else does He do? Eph. 1:13.

Is the sinner then free from the law o f sin and death? Rom. 8:2. What, then, is his privilege and duty? Eph. 5:1-8. What does the Holy Spirit produce in Him? Gal. 5:22, 23. What are the gifts o f the Spirit, and for whom ? 1 Cor. 12:8, 10, 28. Have all who are in Christ been baptized o f the Spirit? 1 Cor. 12:13. Are they all in one body ? 1 Cor. 10:2-4; 12:13. A t what other times are we told o f the outpouring o f the Spirit? Jerusalem for Jews and proselytes, Acts 2. Samaria for Samaritans, Acts 8:17. In Caesarea (Judea) . for Gentiles, Acts 10:44. In Ephesus, for Jews and proselytes outside of. the Land, Acts 19:6. How can we all be filled with the Spirit? Acts 4:31. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) The day o f Pentecost has fully come. There is no need o f another. (2) Believers can afford to wait on the Lord until there is an agreement of will. (3) The phenomena o f Pentecost was the result o f prayer. (4) The Spirit-filled believer talks with another tongue, but it is not foreign to the hearer. (5) The world is watching to see the won­ derful works o f God. (6) Were we true witnesses we could waken the world with His wonderful works. (7) The abode o f the Spirit is in the church, and He is able to make all grace abound. (8) The command o f the Lord to the church is “Be filled with the Spirit.”

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