King's Business - 1916-01



Who called this miracle a notable one? Acts 4:16. Were the actions o f the man logical and Scriptural? Psa. 103:1, 2 ; 107:21, 22. Was the effect upon the people a tribute to the power o f Christ? Luke 4:36. What testimony should every saved per­ son give? PRACTICAL PO INTS (1) The giving o f alms goes with a godly life. (2) There cannot be much pouring in o f power, unless there be the pouring out o f possessions. (3) A believer should secure an option on every opportunity. (4) Humanity is the hungry beggar by the path o f the pilgrim. (5) Poverty o f the believer is no hindrance to the bestowment o f blessing. ( 6 ) Silver and gold may bring a curse rather than a cure. \ (7) The church can no longer say “ Silver and gold have I none;” neither can t it say “ Rise up and walk.” ( 8 ) That the man was healed was evi­ denced by his heels; he walked and leaped. Ordinarily the addresses consist o f reading, long- stilted documents, largely stereotyped, in eulogy o f the dead and the extemporaneous speak­ ing o f these Christians was a revelation to many. — — 0 — — - On some docks in our great seaboard cities the sign may be seen, “ Stowaways prosecuted on the other side.” Two months’ imprisonment is the penalty. The stow­ away is a man who has sneaked in and hidden himself to steal a passage across the water. Is it not true o f all who unre­ pentant leave these mortal shores, that they shall be “prosecuted on the other side?” Sin will find the sinner out in the life beyond, if not fully in this life.

How do blind sinners walk? Eph. 4:17-19. (3 ) The Power of Prayer, vs. 4-7. Why did Peter take an interest in this "man? Luke 7:13. What was the purpose o f his saying “ Look on us?” John 5:6; 11:401 Why did Peter and John have neither silver nor gold ? Matt. 10:9; Acts 2 :44. In this were they like their Lord? 2 Cor. 8:9. What had they that was better than sil­ ver and gold? 1 Peter 4:10. What can every believer do? Mark 14:8. John 1:16; Col. 1:19. In what spirit should alms be distributed ? JRom. 12:8; Matt. 6:3, 4. How is this to be done? Matt. 18:10. O f what was the name o f Jesus Christ o f Nazareth a symbol ? Psa. 106:8. What contrast is shown in Paul’s life in the use o f that name? Acts 16:18; ( c i Acts 19:13-16; Matt. 7:22). What authority had Peter for using that Name? Mark 16:17. , Did Jesus authorize the use o f His name? John 14:13, 14. (4 ) The Proof of Prayer, vs. 8-11. What Scripture was fulfilled in the heal- inng o f this man? Isa. 35:6. A writer in “ The Messenger,” the small leaflet published by the Presbyterian and reformed churches in Japan, says that non- Christian Japanese like thé . Christian funeral service because everything is addressed. to- their understanding. They, nevertheless, say that they do not feel as if they were at a funeral, because the Usual dominant noté o f sadness at the non- Christian funerals is lacking. At a funeral service held recently at Kanda church, Tokyo, the pastor’s sermon dwelt specially on the Christian’s hope o f a glorious resur­ rection, and the joy connected with it. The addresses o f condolence, which are custo­ mary at Japanese funerals, were delivered by the deceased man’s Christian friends, and they each voiced the victory over death

O ----------- through Jesus Christ.

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