King's Business - 1916-01



with the law, to test their faith, and as a ' testimony to the priests (cf.' Lev. 14:2; Matt. 8 :4 ). They showed the genuineness o f their faith by immediate obedience. Though there was not a sign o f cleansing, they took the bare word o f Jesus for it. As they thus acted their faith the cleansing came (cf. 2 Kings 5:14; John 4:50, 53; 9 :7 ). When we act upon the simple word o f Jesus we get the blessing from His hand, but we miss it constantly by looking at our­ selves to see if the cleansing has actually begun, and then stopping after the first few steps because we do not see it (John 14:21, 23). Saturday jj! January 29 . Luke 1 7 : 15 - 19 . One o f the lepers the moment “ he saw that he was healed” turned back “glorify­ ing God.” He used his restored voice in glorifying its restorer. He thought he ought to return thanks to God before he bore witness to man. The nine were occu­ pied with the gift, the one with the Giver. How often we are so occupied with the gift that we forget the given altogether: this is disobedience to the plain teaching of the W ord (Ps. 29:1, 2 ; 50:23; 107:20-22; cf. Ps. 30:11, 12; 2'Chron. 32:24, 25). The leper’s thanksgiving was prompt, spontane­ ous, specific, hearty. Pew men are as hearty and specific in their praise as in their prayer. He not only returned thanks to Jesus, he also worshipped Him. His heal­ ing had opened his eyes to Jesus’ deity. Jesus accepted without protest the worship that holy men and angels refused (cf. Acts 10:25, 26; Rev. 19:10 R. V. ; 22:8, 9 R. V .; John 5 :23; Heb. 1 :6 ). The one who returned to give thanks was the one of whom least was to be expected, a Samari­ tan, a “ stranger.” Luke was fond o f record­ ing good things about Samaritans. Two things astonished Jesus, the ingratitude o f the other nine, the gratitude o f this “ stranger.” Is He any less astonished at our ingratitude today? The three persons who in Jesus’ lifetime on earth received especial commendation for their faith, were, a heathen centurian (Matt. 8:10), a heathen woman (Matt. 15:24-48), and the Samari­

tan leper. It is quite likely that if Jesus was on earth today that men and women who believe in heathen lands would receive His special commendation for their faith and appreciation rather than we who live in so-called Christian lands. It is quite likely too, that they will have the higher places hereafter (cf. Matt. 19:30). Jesus was deeply grieved at the rank ingratitude o f the nine, and He is also deeply grieved at our rank ingratitude. Seemingly, how­ ever, He did not call back the healing granted, though no thanks were returned for it. I f He took from us everything for which we are not duly thankful, we would not have much left. The Samaritan left Jesus the second time with a larger blessing than when he left at first. W e too get the larger blessing from Christ when we return thanks .for that already received. Furthermore, the leper by ' his thanks brought joy to Jesus (Heb. 13:15, 16). The leper’s “ faith” had “saved” him (this is the literal translation o f the Greek word translated “made whole” ). Faith will save any one (John 3:16). The salvation this leper received was more than mere healing. Suhday, January 50 . Luke 1 7 : 20 , 2 1 . The question put by the Pharisees was an important one, but it was not put from an honest motive, but with the hope o f entangling our Lord. This they were con­ stantly endeavoring to do. This fact accounts for and explains our Lord’s answer. What they had in mind when they asked “when the kingdom o f God cometh” was the coming o f the kingdom as foretold by Daniel (see Dan. 2:44). In regard to the time He was coming in this sense, it is not for us “ to know times or seasons” (Acts 1 :7) though men, in spite o f Christ’s repeated warnings; are trying to set a time. Our Lord told them the Kingdom was not coming “with observa­ tion,” i. e., with critical watching such as they were bestowing upon Him (cf. ch. 20:20 where' the Greek verb translated “watched” is the one from which the noun here translated “ observation” is de­ rived). The Kingdom in its outward form

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