King's Business - 1916-01



course, the circumstances were entirely dif­ ferent, and much said here is peculiar to Luke’s Gospel. They were rejecting the Son of Man now with contempt, but days o f testing were to come when with intense desire they would “ desire to see one o f the days of the Son o f Man.” But it would be too late (cf. Matt. 23:37-39). Those who now reject the Lord Jesus and the blessings offered to them in Him, will experience a day when they will long for Him but cannot find Him. When He had been taken from them they would wish in vain for one o f the days o f His presence. During His absence and before His return many claiming to be the Christ would appear (v. 23), in some obscure corner or in some secret chamber (cf. Matt. 24 :26); but they were not to believe in these claims. This prediction has been abund­ antly fulfilled throughout the centuries, one false Christ after another has arisen and they are arising still, but one who knows the Bible will not be misled by them. When He really comes it will be with great pub­ licity, like the lightning bursting forth, sud­ denly from oire corner o f the heavens and shining to the- other corner (cf. Matt. 24:27). That would be “ His day,” the day o f His manifestation, glory, and triumph.

as covenanted with David (2 Sam. 7 : 8 - 17) and predicted by Daniel (Dan. 2:44) and described by Zechariah and other prophets (Zech. 12:8) had been rejected by the Jews and thus delayed, but in the meantime the Kingdom o f God was really “ in the midst o f” (not within as in the Authorized and Revised Versions) them. It tyas in the midst o f them in the person o f God’s own Son, though they recognized Him not (cf. John 1:26, 27). The King­ dom o f God in its spiritual form is now in the hearts o f believers also (Rom. 14:17), but it .was certainly not “within” these Christ-hating Pharisees. In its present form it was not something that men were to g o ' around seeking in one place or another, saying, “Lo here,, or Lo there,” it was right in their midst, visible to all in the person o f the Lord Jesus. The Light had come, but they had not eyes to behold it. The King was there, so the Kingdom was there. Monday, January a s Luke 1 7 : 22 - 24 . In the verses which follow we have a number o f sayings o f our Lord, afterwards repeated in His discourse in Matthew 24:23- 28, 37-42. But this is not the same dis­ “ I have never read such a scriptural calcula­ tion of the Times of the Gentiles, and I intend letting all my friends have one.” “ Tins subject is of the utmost importance in these stirring times. We are much interested in the exposition you give of the Scriptures on the subject.” , “ It is surely a soul stirring and a rousing word. The Scripturest you bring forward in sup­ port of the soon ending Gospel age, seem very conclusive.” “ Your exposition looks very reasonable to me, and according to -the Book.1” “ It produced a profound impression on me, making me feel keenly that my sojourn here is very brief.” “ The subject -has stirred up much interest in my mind and heayt.” “ I am very much interested in that piece of Scripture research, and would like to pass it on.”

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“ I have always been suspicious of setting dates —but your reasoning from Scripture looks very good to me.” “ Page 28 is very striking about feast of trum­ pets being antitypical of the Rapture.” “ ‘The Times of the Gentiles’ is magnificent, one of the best things I have ever read, and car­ ries an unusual amount of conviction.” “ We have surely enjoyed the reading of this book, and are doing all we can to spread it among our customers.” “ It seems to me that it would be rather dif­ ficult to prove from the Scriptures, that what you say is not according to the teaching of the same.” “ It is the most simple, concise, clear and biblical plea for the year day interpretation, I have seen.”

Address C. J. BAKER* 621 W yandotte S treet, Kansas City, M issouri Author of the Pamphlets,“ Two Roads and Two Destinies,” “ Life and Death,” price 5c each; and “ Things Which Are,” price 15c each, with an original colored diagram; which are also on sale, postpaid. Alsol6-page booklets 50c per 100, assorted if desired, No.l “ What Must 1 Do to Be Saved?” , No. 2 ' Cain andAbel, etc.” No.3 “ Baptism. Is It for the Remission of Sins?” , No. 4 “ The Christian Sabbath.- What and When?” No. 5 “ The Sure Mercies of David, on the Security of Believers.” No. 6 “ The Two Covenants, Moses or Christ, Which? Order by number.

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