King's Business - 1916-01

Helps for International Sunday School Lessons (Continued)

PAUL, THE ALL-ROUND MAN By R. E. Speer. Treats of Paul as the phari­ see,' the Roman, the Christian, the believing man, the undiscourageable, the Bible student, the friend, the orator and logician, the man of -prayer, the missionary, the joyful strug- glei, and the all-round man____ ....— 50c THE MAN PAUL By R. E. Speer. The character of Paul is here portrayed, together with the facts of his life, with terse and pointed comments upon both. Questions for use in Bible classes — ...— ------------- —.-— .— — .75c THE LIFE AND EPISTLES OF ST. PAUL By Conybeare and Howson. ^n illustrated People’s Edition of this famous work. Large . 8vo., cloth .... ._____.....— .........— 7.—$1.50 BIBLE STUD IES IN TH E LIFE O F PAUL By H. T. Sell. Historical and constructive. Full of information very suggestive in its arrangements and divisions. Paper, 25c; cloth _______________ ___________— — ....50c ST. PAUL AND HIS MISSION TO THE ROMAN EMPIRE By Christopher N. Johnston. There is no story of greater human interest than that of St. Paul and the Mission whereby he made Christianity a world religion. Mr.. Johnston combines with a knowledge of the world a deep interest in sacred literature and a strong attachment to the Christian faith_75c STUDIES IN THE LIFE OF ST. PAUL By A. G. Leacock. This is arranged in con­ venient form for Sunday School teachers. It contains a map >of the countries through which Paul traveled. 24 studies. 192 pages ____--------------------------------------- ---------- ..75c MANY-SIDED PAUL By George Francis Greene. A study of the character of the great apostle as unfolded in the Acts and the Pauline Epistles___ 75c THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF PAUL THE APOSTLE By Eleanor D. Wood. A delightfully simple, real and natural story of the events and ex­ periences .in the life of the Apostle Pauh It will lead the reader better to understand how Paul and the men about him thought in the days of long ago..............„.7.............—...— ...—$1.25

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By Roland Allen. A study of the Church in the four provinces. Dr. Eugene Stock says: “ Deserves to be read, marked, learned and inwardly digested bjr all who are inter­ ested in the work of foreign missions”— $1.50 Order from the BIOLA BOOK

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