King's Business - 1916-01

Books of the Most Widely

Known Pastor, Evangelist and Bible Teacher, R. A. Torrey W h a t th e B ib le T ea ch e s The only book of its kind. All that the Bible gives on each of the great doc­ trines is brought together and the teaching summarized. Everything built upon a thorough study of each passage in its con­ text. A comprehensive and thorough com­ pendium of the teachings -of the Bible. 535 pages, large 8 vo................ Cloth, $2.50 H ow t o S tudy th e B ib le f o r G rea test P r o fit Thishas been pronounced the most thorough book that there is on the subject of Bible study, and yet it is so simple that the ordinary believer can understand it. ‘....Cloth, 75c T h e R e tu rn o f th e L o rd Jesus A sane, systematic and thorough pre­ sentation of the teaching of the Bible re­ garding the Second Coming of Christ. One of the best books to put in the hands of any fine beginning the study of this sub­ ject...........................Paper, 25c; cloth, 50c P e rson a l W o rk -The most comprehensive book that there is on individual dealing with men. It forms the first part of the book How To Work for Christ.......................Cloth, $1.00 H ow t o B r in g M en t o C h rist A plain, simple, forceful treatise on the subject of personal work. It was Dr. Torrey’s first book and has had a very large sale. Not so comprehensive as Per­ sonal Work...... ........ ..Paper, 15c; cloth, 75c P ra c tica l and P e rp lex in g Q u estion s A n sw e red This book takes up the practical ques­ tions and the perplexing questions that Christians, especially young Christians, are constantly asking. It is a companion book to Difficulties in the Bible. ....... .........................Paper, 15c: cloth, 50c

H ow t o W o rk f o r C h rist An encyclopaedia:of all the approved methods of personal, pastoral and evangel­ istic work. The result of the experience of years in pastoral, evangelistic, mission­ ary and open air work. 518 pages. ..................Cloth, $2.50 R ev iva l A d d re sse s The most effective sermons that Dr. Torrey delivered in his around-the-world evangelistic campaign. Many evangelists are using the material in this book as the foundation of their own sermons. .............................. Paper, 50c; cloth, $1.00 T h e B ib le and Its C h rist A book for today. Dr. Torrey’s ad­ dresses to business, professional and uni­ versity men. They state in a scholarly but popular way the proof that the Bible is the Word of God, and that Jesus Christ arose from the dead, and show the causes, consequences and cure of infidelity. ................................. Paper, 25c; cloth, 75c T h e P e r son and W o rk o f th e H o ly S p ir it A thorough study of all that the Bible has to teach about the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit as tested by personal experience. It discusses fully and frankly all the modern theories and vagaries on this important subject, and subjects them to the test of Scripture....-.;........Cloth, $1.00

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